
How To Makeup Like A Boy

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If you lot're a homo, you may desire to apply makeup to enhance your natural features. Yous may also be exploring a new gender identity or in the process of transitioning. Whatever your reasons, there are many means makeup can be used to enhance masculinity.

  1. 1

    Apply a layer of dazzler balm. This volition smooth out your skin and muffle some blemishes and discolorations. You should use balm over foundation. Foundation will make information technology obvious you're wearing makeup. Balm volition smooth out your features, prepping your confront for makeup, without making the fact you're wearing makeup obvious.[1]

    • Use your alphabetize finger to dab dots of beauty lotion effectually your face. Focus on areas in which your skin is uneven.
    • Use a fluff castor or your fingers to alloy the balm into your skin. Use round motions and proceed blending until the foundation looks natural. You should non see any obvious lines or marks on your face.
  2. 2

    Cover up blemishes with concealer. Focus on areas prone to acne, similar the chin and forehead, as well as under your optics. You tin use your fingers to utilise concealer. You tin can also use the wand that came with the packet.[2]

    • Equally with the foundation, piece of work the concealer into your skin with circular motions. Yous can use your fingers, a brush, or a makeup sponge.
    • Go along blending until the concealer looks natural. It should blend into your foundation and skin tone. In that location should non be any lines on your confront.


  3. 3

    Use a powder to reduce polish. After applying foundation and concealer, your makeup will not appear that different than feminine makeup. You lot should take steps to reduce the shiny advent left past foundation and cover up. Makeup pulverization should be dabbed beyond your confront to dull the appearance of your foundational makeup.[iii]

    • Choose a pulverisation foundation that matches your natural skin tone. Dab the foundation over your face using a large brush.
    • Target the areas on your face that are the shiniest. Your cheeks and cheekbones, for instance, may be shiny later on applying cream foundation and comprehend upward.
  4. 4

    Profile effectually your face. Men tend to have more athwart features. You tin create this affect by using a darker shade of highlighter or foundation to create the illusion of shadows effectually your cheekbones, jaw, and brow. Use a small contouring castor to apply the makeup.[4]

    • First with your cheekbones. Suck in your cheeks and draw a night line running down your cheekbones. Draw some other line tracing your chin and lower jawline. This volition create a sharper, more than masculine facial structure.
    • Draw a slight 50-shape on both your temples. Then, on your forehead, shade a triangular shape on both sides of the brow. Describe the triangle just in a higher place the arch of each eyebrow.
    • Apply a light pulverisation to blend the contour shades throughout your face up. It should not exist obvious yous're wearing makeup. Use a large brush and circular motions to alloy.
    • Aim for sharper lines without making the contouring harsher.[5]
  5. 5

    Shade around your nose to arrive wait bigger. Men tend to have larger and more than divers noses. Using a night foundation or highlighter, you can shade effectually your nose to make information technology more than prominent. Use a large brush to apply.[half-dozen]

    • Shade both sides of the nose. This will besides darken the area. Men tend non to wear foundation, so areas of the face ordinarily expect darker. Make sure to shade under the tip of your nose, equally well as the sides of each nostril.
    • Shade the area where your nose meets your brow os. This create the advent of a shadow under the eyebrow. This is important, as men tend to have more prominent fore brows.
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  1. 1

    Use makeup to make your optics smaller. Men tend to have eyes that are smaller in appearance. Therefore, you want to make your eyes look smaller with the use of makeup. To do so, use a concealer lighter than your skin tone under your eyes.[vii]

    • Employ your fingers to apply the concealer right under your eyes. Utilise in an arch that follows along your lower eyelid.
    • Keep working the concealer in until it blends naturally with your skin. When y'all're done, your eyes should wait slightly smaller.
  2. 2

    Treat your eyebrows. Getting the eyebrows right is the most important part of creating a masculine look using makeup.[8] Male eyebrows tend to be bushier than female eyebrows. They also tend to lack shape. While female eyebrows are arched slightly, male person eyebrows may exist thicker and more furrowed. You lot tin utilize makeup to fill in gaps in your eyebrows and shape them in a more than masculine mode.[9] [10]

    • Utilize an eyebrow powder that matches your natural brow colour. Use a small castor to start applying the makeup. First applying pulverisation at the end of your eyebrow nearest your nose.
    • Fill in any gaps in your eyebrow hair to make them look thicker. As y'all work your way across your eyebrows, apply the makeup in a straight line. Work against the natural curve of your forehead. Alloy the makeup in a way that makes your countenance appear straighter.
  3. three

    Use a subtle eyeliner. Yous tin raise your optics a bit with eyeliner. This will call attention to your masculine looking eyes and brows. Yet, use a subtle shade. A dark, noticeable shade may wait more feminine.[xi]

    • Use the eyeliner right at your lash line. Get for a brown or chocolate brown shade.
    • Select a powder-based liner. This will be less noticeable than other liners, while also defining your eyes.
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  1. 1

    Choose an eyebrow pulverization that matches your facial pilus. Y'all can use eyebrow powder on your existing facial pilus to make information technology await thicker and scruffier. Cease past a local drugstore or makeup shop. Wait for an eyebrow powder that matches the color of your natural facial hair.[12]

    • You may have to experiment with several different types of eyebrow powder earlier finding one that looks natural on you lot.
  2. 2

    Apply the powder over your existing facial pilus. Use a minor angled brush. Dip it into the eyebrow pulverization. Then, utilise the pulverization over your existing facial pilus.[13]

    • Use circular motions to grit the pulverization over your facial hair. Give particular attention to areas where there are gaps in facial hair.
    • Go along in mind, this will non work as well if your facial pilus is just growing in. Y'all desire to wait until your stubble is adequately noticeable before attempting this.
  3. 3

    Make sure to blend out the makeup. Otherwise, your makeup will wait unnatural. Blend the makeup into your cervix and cheeks and then the color fades gradually. A dramatic change in color or texture volition go far obvious you're wearing makeup.[14]

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  • Question

    How do I make my makeup look more masculine?

    Yuka Arora

    Yuka Arora is a self-taught makeup artist who specializes in abstract eye art. She has been experimenting with makeup fine art for over 5 years, and has amassed over five.6K Instagram followers in only 5 months. Her colorful and abstract looks have been noticed by Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Kat Von D Beauty, Sephora Collection, amidst others.

    Yuka Arora

    Makeup Artist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    How do I profile my face to expect more masculine?

    Daniel Vann

    Daniel Vann is the Creative Director for Daredevil Cosmetics, a makeup studio in the Seattle Area. He has been working in the cosmetics manufacture for over 15 years and is currently a licensed aesthetician and makeup educator.

    Daniel Vann

    Licensed Aesthetician

    Adept Answer

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this good reply.

    If you lot're going for a traditionally masculine wait, yous kind of desire to angle your contour lines downward. Men tend to have slightly downward-facing features, so this is a bang-up manner to subtly play upwards those masculine features.

  • Question

    What if I don't want my makeup to be noticeable?

    Daniel Vann

    Daniel Vann is the Creative Director for Daredevil Cosmetics, a makeup studio in the Seattle Surface area. He has been working in the cosmetics industry for over fifteen years and is currently a licensed aesthetician and makeup educator.

    Daniel Vann

    Licensed Aesthetician

    Expert Answer

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    We call this the "makeup-less" look. So in this instance, less is really more. You lot really don't want to add a lot of makeup because the more you lot add together, the easier it will be to come across. Stick with the skincare, a little concealer, and maybe some clear lip gloss or light mascara.

  • Question

    Is in that location any way to make girly-shaped eyes look more than masculine?

    Community Answer

    Shade all around the eyes (basically the entire socket) with darker skin-tone makeup. "Male person" eyes are usually set deeper in the head than "female person" eyes.

  • Question

    I'm a girl but I want to await similar a guy. This wikiHow didn't really assistance; can I get some other communication?

    Community Answer

    Do a search for a contouring nautical chart by Lee Scion that shows you lot how to contour your face for a more feminine or masculine look.

  • Question

    How would I exist able to alter the lips?

    Community Answer

    You may desire to make your lips await less full, so y'all can apply concealer to mask the normal line of your lips and make them expect thinner.

  • Question

    Are thin, chiseled cheekbones considered masculine?

    Emma Longwell

    Emma Longwell

    Customs Answer

    They tin can exist masculine, just a lot of girls have chiseled cheekbones as well. Most men endeavor to have a chiseled jawline while girls focus on cheekbones, but don't worry about those stereotypes.

  • Question

    Will this withal work if I accidentally make myself look like a girl?

    Community Answer

    I gauge that would depend on what the final result looked similar. Some people might non call back it was very masculine, but others might retrieve information technology'southward masculine of you to embrace feminine characteristics. Just get creative and observe whichever makeup style makes you feel good!

  • Question

    I'thousand a female and wanting to give off the upshot of facial hair. Is at that place any way to realistically practice this without using simulated pilus?

    Cecilia Flores

    Cecilia Flores

    Top Answerer

    To make a black/gray beard, you lot'll need a grayish-blue (more on the blue side), black, and white cream paints/face paints, water- or booze-activated paints, an sfx stippling sponge, and water or alcohol if you're using special paints. Lay down a calorie-free layer of the blueish-gray pigment, then stipple black and white paints over that to create stubble.

  • Question

    Is there a way to brand my lips wait manlier?

    Community Answer

    Employ a lighter colour - maybe a lite pink or crimson.

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  • It may take several tries before your makeup looks natural. Do non get discouraged. It takes do to apply makeup properly.


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Commodity Summary X

To best way to utilise makeup to expect more masculine is to cover up acne with concealer and use pulverization to reduce polish. Contour your face to highlight angular features, like your cheekbones and jawline. Apply concealer to make your eyes look smaller and define them by applying a powder-based eyeliner on your meridian lash line. Then, shape your eyebrows and then they look thick and bushy. For more advice on using makeup to look masculine, similar how to enhance your facial hair, read on!

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