
What Is The Meaning Of 21 Base Makeup

If you just asked yourself if you really need 21 makeup brushes, my answer to you is...maybe. Are you similar me? A person who wants every single makeup brush in five different colors and sizes? Or are yous someone who's just fine applying your products with a few crusty ol' tools (ahem, clean your brushes immediately) and your fingers? Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, though, I've come here to bring you this very thorough, very helpful guide to the 21 chief types of makeup brushes you'll come across.

Use this guide as a shopping list, use it to help yous effigy out what all these weird bristles are for, or utilise it for all the makeup application tips I've included with each castor. Run into? Helpful. If you lot want the quick version, store my desert-isle recommendations right here, or keep scrolling for allll the details.

The tiptop 7 types of makeup brushes to own

    one. Mascara wand

    G2Plus Disposable Eyelash Mascara Brushes

    Disposable tester applicators don't merely belong on the makeup store's brandish shelves. These mascara wands, aka spoolie brushes, belong in your makeup handbag, also. The tips accept 360-degree synthetic bristles (kinda like a pipe cleaner) and often accept bendable heads and then you can shape them how you want. Yous might think you don't need extra spoolie wands when your mascara comes with a built-in one, simply in one case you realize how multipurpose these little guys are, you'll understand why they're starting time on this listing.

    How to use a mascara wand:

    Let's start with the obvious: Mascara. Use this type of makeup brush to apply mascara or separate and declump your lashes subsequently you've practical likewise much product, or gently rub the beard to remove any mascara smudges without moving the makeup underneath. Rummage it through your brows to help even out countenance makeup, or employ it to try soap brows. Utilise one to employ your eyelash serums or brow serums, tame flyaways—basically, it's the one tool that kinda does everything.

    two. Angled eyeshadow brush

    The Crayon Case Angle Castor

    Some eyeshadow brushes are rounded, some are flat, some are tapered—but the castor nosotros're talking near right now is the angled one. These brushes might be fluffier than an angled eyeliner brush, which is very thin and flat, but they accept a similar slanted silhouette with firm bristles that are shorter on one end and gradually grow longer and fuller toward the other end.

    How to use an angled eyeshadow brush

    The angled shape of these beard hugs the contour of your brow bone when applying shadow in the crease of your center (recall of information technology as a contour brush for your eyes). Because the bristles are both dense and fluffy, this type of makeup castor is also super-helpful for diffusing eyeshadow in an outer "V" shape for blended winged shadow.

    three. Lip liner castor

    IL Makiage Eyeliner Brush #162

    Maybe yous call information technology a lip liner castor, or maybe you call it a precision liner brush. Either manner, you instantly recognize this blazon of makeup brush when you run into it considering of its distinct pocket-size, pointy shape. One would think the tip of this brush is thin enough that you could count the beard, but it's packed full of synthetic hairs to aid maintain its shape so you lot can draw precise lines in even the tiniest places.

    How to employ a lip liner brush:

    What tiny places are nosotros talking about? Effort this brush on the outline of your lips for lip liner or your lashline for tightlightening your optics. You lot tin also utilise information technology for drawing cool, graphic eyeliner à la Euphoria makeup if you don't have any colorful eyeliner pencils. Pro tip: Hold it at a slight angle (rather than straight up and down) when you draw to make the line smoother and straighter and less shaky.

    iv. Duo-fibre brush

    MAC 188S Small Duo Fibre Face up Brush

    A duo-fibre brush is but a fancy manner of saying the brush contains two different kinds of bristles with 2 dissimilar lengths. Packing it with two types of bristles makes the castor more than compact at the base and finer toward the peak. Y'all'll commonly notice duo-fibre brushes in larger sizes for applying liquid foundation, but equally shown hither, they're also available in smaller sizes for blending cream blushes and liquid highlighters and fifty-fifty powders and loose pigments, too.

    How to use a duo-fibre castor:

    When using a duo-fibre brush, you desire to recall about gently blending the makeup, not bending the beard. If you lot press to difficult, the longer bristles will spread and leave streak marks in your makeup, and then utilise light pressure in a circular move to buff the product into the skin.

    5. Stippling brush

    Sonia Kashuk Stippling Foundation Makeup Brush No. 124

    Not to be confused with the duo-fibre brush, a stippling brush…well…you see…okay, fine. Y'all can definitely get a stippling brush and a duo-fibre brush confused because a stippling castor is known for its duo fibers, so they're basically the same affair.

    When you lot want a softer foundation application or a more airbrushed consequence, stick with the stipple. Because of its lighter finish, these brushes are also ideal for applying tinted moisturizer or sheering out liquids and creams without messing up the product underneath (yous ever blended those on with your fingers, but to be left with patchiness? Exactly).

    How to use a stippling brush:

    Dip the beard into the liquid makeup, or swipe the bristles into a foam stick or powder, then lightly swirl them into your pare. Remember: Just the tips. If you have a heavy mitt or the trend to jab your brushes into your pare (why do we do this?!), concur the brush past the very terminate, giving you virtually no control over the brush.

    6. Kabuki castor

    BLK/OPL Kabuki Brush


    In a lot of ways, the kabuki brush is the opposite of the stippling brush. Its proper name might non ring a bell, merely if you've ever played around with makeup, this archetype makeup brush definitely will. Fabricated famous by Kabuki Japanese drama theater, this style of castor is most normally recognized by its short, chubby handle and very dense, firm, flat or dome-shaped bristles.

    A synthetic kabuki brush can exist used to use liquid foundation or body makeup for a medium-to-full coverage, but the density of the castor makes information technology perfect for packing on superfine powders or mineral foundation for a fuller-coverage finish.

    How to use a kabuki castor:

    Because these bristles are so dumbo and firm, you'll probs find that a slight pressure level is necessary for working the product into the pare. Use the tips of the bristles to pick up the product, then swirl and buff to diffuse it across your confront.

    7. Foundation brush

    Mented Cosmetics Foundation Castor


    While using a castor for your liquid makeup is optional (y'all tin can opt for a sponge or your clean fingers instead), you absolutely do need to use some sort of application brush for your mineral makeup or pulverization foundation. Enter: the foundation brush.

    These kinds of brushes are typically dense and can exist pinched flat (like a paintbrush) or are full, rounded, and dome-shaped. While some people prefer synthetic bristles (which are easier to clean) for their liquid formulas, or even natural bristles—which are naturally more than porous—for their powders, I'one thousand all about synthetic bristles. Yes, really; the quality has improved vastly over the years and can easily exist used for both.

    How to apply a foundation brush:

    For a perfectly smooth foundation application, start in the heart of your face (cheeks and T-zone) and apply your foundation outward in smooth, even strokes to prevent harsh makeup lines around the edges of your jawline and hairline. If you're using a mineral or powder foundation, swirl and buff the bristles to piece of work the product into the peel.

    eight. Blending sponge

    Recall how I said a castor for your liquid base makeup is optional? That's because many makeup artists and YouTubers opt for sponges to get an airbrushed, streak-costless end. Thanks to their rounded, polish shape, sponges won't leave behind any weird lines or stray bristles, and their damp surfaces help sheer out your heavy full-coverage foundation, concealer, or cream blush for a natural finish.

    How to use a blending sponge:

    The pull a fast one on to using a sponge most effectively is to saturate information technology with running water, squeeze out the backlog, then squeeze it a few more times in a clean towel or paper towel. This wetting procedure will not only preclude your sponge from soaking up all of your foundation (considering it's already clammy with water) simply volition likewise assistance blend your makeup as smoothly as possible. Employ the sponge's broad sides to postage stamp and stipple your cream formulas across your confront and the sponge's tip to accomplish crevices effectually your nose and eyes.

    9. Concealer brush

    Real Techniques Good Concealer Brush

    Think of concealer brushes as modest-scale foundation brushes. Whether you're looking to pack on the product nether your eyes or cover upwardly a vivid-ruddy blemish, these synthetic brushes are ideal for targeting pocket-sized, specific areas that you want to exist curtained. Sure, you lot can apply the spongey, doe-human foot applicator straight from the concealer tube, but a brush similar this one is not just more aseptic but also offers a more realistic, fifty-fifty finish.

    How to use a concealer castor:

    Dab the tip of the brush into a tiny amount of concealer, then gently tap or pat the brush on your zits, your under eyes, whatever. After the surface area has been covered, blend out the edges while being conscientious not to wipe abroad the residuum of the concealer. Other great uses: sharpening and cleaning up messy eye makeup or feathered lipstick edges.

    x. Powder brush

    PAT McGRATH LABS Peel Fetish: Sublime Perfection Pulverization Brush

    If shiny T-zones or nether-heart creases are your main badgerer, allow me to introduce you to your new best friend: setting powder. And, along for the ride, pulverization brushes. Depending on the expanse y'all're looking to cover, the size of this brush varies from pocket-size to big and typically has long, dense, fluffy bristles. It'due south meant to e'er-and then-lightly "gear up" your liquid/cream foundations or buff and blend out powder foundations, depending on your needs.

    How to use a powder castor:

    Use the fluffy bristles to pick up a fine layer of loose powder (tap—don't blow—off the backlog beginning) and dust it over your T-zone and under your optics. Load up the production to "bake" your makeup or apply a light dusting to speedily ready your foundation or concealer.

    11. Bronzer brush or blush brush

    Bronzer, blush, and powder brushes are similar enough that one could do the job of many, yes, just who has the time to clean them between each pace (and don't you dare think about using merely one brush and not cleaning it). Find a bronzer and/or chroma castor with long, fluffy bristles and a dome shape to evenly lengthened your powder pigments . The fluffier it is, the less product information technology will pick up (which is ideal when y'all desire only a wash of color).

    How to employ a bronzer/blush castor:

    When it comes to bronzer and chroma, the style y'all utilize the castor is nigh more important than the castor itself. For bronzer, loosely sweep the brush in a "three" pattern, starting from your forehead, cutting beyond your cheekbones, so moving back out and downwardly to your jawline. For blush, lightly swirl the production on the apples of your cheeks and blend information technology upwards into your cheekbones.

    12. Contour brush

    Morphe M405 Contour Brush

    The contour brush is a hard ane to pick out of a crowd but considering information technology can appear then many unlike ways. The bristles on some are cut precipitous and directly across, while others may take on more of an "S" shape to hug the shape of your cheekbones. The slanted contour castor is the virtually versatile and makes information technology easier to contour for your face up shape by blending your contour powder cleanly and precisely below your cheekbones, jawline, and forehead. Use a brush with blunt bristles and a abrupt edge for a sharper sculpt, or use ane with a softer slanted shape for a subtle shade.

    How to use a contour brush:

    Swirl the brush into your contour powder, tap off the excess (important), then gently glide the brush dorsum and forth beneath your cheekbones to emphasize your natural contours. For an even more than chiseled look, reload the brush and swirl it under your jawline and along your hairline as well.

    xiii. Highlighter brush

    Sigma Beauty F35 Tapered Highlighter Brush

    The shape of your highlighter brush totally depends on the level of glow you want. Use a long, tapered brush or a fan brush (more on that later) with very long bristles for a more than diffused event, or take hold of a brush with curt, dense bristles to brand even a cheap highlighter expect super-bright and opaque.

    How to use a highlighter brush:

    Swirl your castor over a pulverisation confront highlighter, tap off the backlog, then lightly sweep and blend the brush over the tops of your cheekbones, brow bones, Cupid's bow, and anywhere else the lite naturally hits your face up. Wanted an even brighter glow? Spritz your brush showtime with a setting spray to enhance the pigment payoff.

    14. Fan brush

    Sacha Cosmetics Fan Brush


    Finally! A brush with a name that really makes sense with the shape! The bristles on this castor are fanned out and apartment to give it a very distinct silhouette that'southward much unlike from all the others. Imagine if you were to take a pulverisation castor and compression the beard at the base to flatten them—that'southward a fan castor. These tin come in smaller sizes (similar an inch across) with sparse bristles or they can expand up to a couple of inches at their widest point and be packed with dense brush hairs.

    How to use a fan brush:

    With a side-to-side motion (like a windshield wiper), use the bristles of a large or medium fan brush to sweep abroad fallout or excess setting powder under your optics or apply highlighter forth your cheekbones. And if yous're using a smaller brush, you can even utilise it to apply mascara for a clump-free finish. Rub the fan brush against the wand of your get-to mascara, so press the paint against the roots to load up the base and run it through the length of your lashes.

    xv. Flat eyeshadow brush

    Makeup By Mario E 4 Makeup Brush

    Okay, despite the extra-sounding name, an eyeshadow shading castor is actually key for getting an opaque, even layer of colour on your lids. These brushes are typically flat, rounded at the tip, and dense and so they tin can choice upwards a bunch of powder or cream for a full-bodied colour payoff.

    How to utilize an eyeshadow shader brush:

    Later on rubbing the castor over the production, pat or press the eyeshadow onto your eyelids, gently swirling the brush around the edges to blend them out. You tin also mist your castor with a setting spray offset to deepen the opacity of a pulverisation paint or to better choice up glittery eyeshadow. Keep this on hand to get really abrupt cut-crease optics.

    16. Eyeshadow crease brush

    Make Upwards For E'er 242 Large Blender Brush

    Unlike a shader brush, which essentially packs on the pigments to get your lids a ton of colour, an eyeshadow blending castor, well, blends out the powders for a really sheer, diffused finish—basically the fume behind a smokey heart or the trick to a natural-looking shadow. These brushes are known for their tapered shape and soft, fluffy bristles to help yous really blend, blend, and blend without scratching the hell out of your lids.

    How to apply an eyeshadow blending brush:

    Swipe the fluffy bristles into the crease of your lids with a windshield-wiper motility to apply your eyeshadow for a diffused wait, and swirl information technology around the edges of your eyes when transitioning betwixt colors or blending multiple shades on top of one another.

    17. Pencil brush

    MAC 219S Synthetic Pencil Brush

    A pencil brush kind of does it all: smudges out your eyeliner, pushes eyeshadow straight into your lash line, helps you precisely blend beneath your lashes, etc. When the other brushes are likewise large or too fluffy, catch this strong, dense, tapered brush—especially if you plan to do a smokey center or whatsoever hazy, composite-out shadow.

    How to use a pencil brush:

    After you've applied your eyeliner, employ the pointed tip of the castor to gently smudge it out. Or skip eyeliner and apply the tip to smoke out your eyeshadow underneath your bottom lashes. You can also pinpoint smaller areas around the center, such as the inner and outer corners, when applying intense pigment.

    eighteen. Smudge brush

    Hourglass No. 11 Smudge Brush

    The brusque, super-dense, packed bristles brand this brush ideal for packing on the pigment exactly where you want information technology, then smudging it out. Because the beard are wider and flatter than the precision pencil brush, this smudging brush is ameliorate for using along the upper and lower lash lines.

    How to use a smudge brush:

    Dip the brush straight into the eyeshadow and run it along your lash line for a thick, smokey line, or apply it to diffuse and set your eyeliner. Here's what I hateful: Utilise your kohl or pencil liner, so utilize the castor to alloy the edge of the eyeliner outward. So, use the same brush to become back over the eyeliner with a similar eyeshadow shade. This will not merely fix the color underneath but also layer textures to create depth and then your smokey eye doesn't expect one-dimensional.

    19. Eyeliner brush

    Coloured Raine Signature Angled Liner Brush

    An eyeliner brush is another i of those tools that can wait a meg dissimilar ways, but no matter the shape of the handle or the bristles, it's always going to be one of your smallest (if not your smallest) brushes. Some have tapered and pointed tips, some have flattened and straight or slanted beard (like the one shown here), and on some eyeliner brushes, the stem is bent at a 45-degree bending to make information technology a picayune easier to become into tight spaces.

    How to utilise an eyeliner brush

    Whether you employ gel eyeliner or prefer a more diffused outline with your powder eyeshadow, you'll find an eyeliner brush v helpful for getting the product affluent against your lashes. Dip the bristles into the product, then use information technology to apply your eyeliner like you would a regular pencil or liquid eyeliner.

    20. Eyebrow brush

    Anastasia Beverly Hills Brush 12 Dual-Ended House Angled Castor

    You've definitely seen—and probably even brushed—your brows with a spoolie or rummage before, but a dual-ended eyebrow brush similar this 1 likewise has flat, blunt, and angled beard to assistance yous draw individual brow hairs using brow gel or powder.

    How to use an countenance brush:

    Utilise the spoolie side starting time to shape your brows, and then flip it over to the firm, slanted bristles on this small-scale countenance brush to fill in sparse brows with eyebrow powder. If you've filled them in with too much product, you can also use the spoolie castor to comb through your brows afterward and remove some of the makeup to soften them. Alternate utilize: combing, taming, and de-clumping your lashes—just make sure the spoolie is clean first.

    21. Lip brush

    Easily confused for a concealer brush, the lip brush has the aforementioned flattened, curved shape but is usually smaller then that it tin can fit in the cupid's bow and ascertain the lips. Almost of the time it also comes with a cap so that you tin stick it in your handbag for touch-ups. You lot might call back lip brushes are just for professional makeup artists, but if you line your lips, you'll find a lip brush to exist really helpful for diffusing harsh lines from your lip liner and blending it into your lipstick.

    How to utilize a lip brush:

    Trace your lips with lip liner, then run the beard of the lip brush along the inside edge of the line to soften it. If y'all're using your own products, y'all tin swipe the castor right on the lipstick to pick up the product for a more precise application. And if you want to create your own custom lip shade, mix together multiple lip colors with your brush, then use it to apply the product.

    Brooke Shunatona is a contributing writer for

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