
How To Do A Raffle Drawing

A popular way to raise coin for a charity, school, or nonprofit is to raffle a vehicle. This type of raffle can draw in large crowds interested in the vehicle up for grabs. Earlier giving abroad a vehicle, though, you need to take a few things into consideration, including finding a nice vehicle to raffle, determining how much you want to make off of the raffle, and promoting the raffle to increase raffle ticket sales.

Role 1 of 5: Detect a vehicle to raffle

Materials Needed

  • Prison cell phone
  • Desktop computer or laptop
  • Paper and pencil

The first step you need to have when setting upward a car to raffle is to find the vehicle for the raffle. Y'all as well need to consider what type of car you lot want to requite abroad. Some of the dissimilar options to consider include a luxury, sport, compact, or other type of vehicle.

  • Tip: You lot should as well include boosted prizes in the raffle. While these prizes volition go for a lesser value, they can serve equally nice alleviation prizes. These type of prizes can include gift cards, holiday stays, or fifty-fifty car-related items.

Step one: Determine the type of machine you want to raffle off. Think about what type of vehicle would provide the biggest draw for raffle ticket sales.

raffle flyer

Pace 2: Ask dealerships for donations. Approach businesses and organizations that you think might be interested in working with you.

Many automobile dealerships might exist willing to donate a vehicle if the money is going to a worthy cause. In add-on to the free advertising that the publicity from such an issue generates, you tin likewise offering to give them a portion of the profits from the raffle as an boosted incentive.

Step 3: Look for a individual donor. Another option is to look for someone with the blazon of vehicle yous are looking for who has an interest in donating information technology for a worthy cause.

While private individuals do not necessarily need the exposure that a donation brings, philanthropists tend to donate money and items for charity with more donating goals in mind, including the joy of helping others.

  • Warning: I affair to keep in listen when searching for a vehicle for a raffle are the taxes involved, if whatever. Depending on the condition of your organization and whether you pay your workers or if they are only volunteers determines if your raffle is tax exempt. It is all-time to bank check with an accountant or your Secretary of State's office to make sure you cover all of your bases in regard to taxes.

Office 2 of 5: Decide the cost of the raffle tickets

Materials Needed

  • Calculator
  • Desktop computer or laptop
  • Paper and pencil

One time you have a vehicle to raffle, y'all need to decide the cost of your raffle tickets. You desire to make roughly iii times what the vehicle is worth. This should give you enough wiggle room to comprehend whatsoever additional expenses, pay for any boosted prizes, and make a turn a profit, just in case you do non sell all of your tickets.

Stride 1: Make up one's mind ticket toll. To figure how much y'all want to sell your raffle tickets for, multiply the worth of the vehicle by 3 and then divide that amount by the number of tickets you lot expect to offer.

Keep in mind that lower-priced tickets should sell more than, but you don't desire them to be too low that you finish upwards losing money on the raffle.

raffle rules example

Step ii: Make up one's mind the raffle rules. In improver to ticket cost, have this opportunity to work out the rules of the raffle. Some things to consider include:

  • Rules of eligibility, including minimum age
  • Residency requirements
  • Responsibilities of the winner (such every bit who pays taxes)
  • Also, include a list of those not eligible to win the raffle, such as relatives of those conducting the raffle

printed out raffle tickets

Stride 3: Impress out tickets. The final step in this part of the process is to print out the tickets. When designing your ticket, you lot need to include some important information, such every bit:

  • The proper name of your organization.
  • The provider of the vehicle.
  • The fourth dimension, date, and place of the raffle
  • The price for the raffle ticket.

Materials Needed

  • Desktop calculator or laptop
  • Paper and pencil

Promoting your raffle is every bit important every bit selling tickets. Without sufficient promotion, you can wait to sell fewer raffle tickets and make less money. Before selling the beginning ticket, yous should develop a strategy almost where and how yous desire to promote your raffle to potential ticket buyers.

Step 1: Make up one's mind promotion locations. Contact some local businesses to encounter if they will let you to set upward a booth exterior of their locations.

Make sure to explicate what charity the raffle proceeds volition go to.

Step 2: Schedule a promotion time. If a business agrees to let you promote the raffle at their location, schedule a date and fourth dimension to set up upward your booth.

Brand sure to get others to concur to schedule time to man the booth in improver to yourself.

  • Tip: Make sure to advertise what your raffle is for, both the charity or organization, and the prize involved. Also, make sure to design and print large signs to become the attention of passing shoppers.

person handing off flier to another person

Step 3: Spread the discussion. Some other promotional ideas include taking out ads in the local newspaper, handing out flyers, or advertising on local radio and television.

Additionally, have your volunteers tell all of their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers virtually the raffle and the nifty cause it supports.

  • Tip: To help sell more than raffle tickets, develop a sales pitch or two to make the purchase of tickets more highly-seasoned. Brand sure to include the cause, the prize being given away, and any secondary prizes up for raffle.

Part 4 of 5: Sell your raffle tickets

Material Needed

  • Raffle tickets

One time you lot have spread the word, information technology is time to sell your tickets. Hopefully, your promotion of the raffle was strong enough to inspire those in the local expanse to buy tickets.

Step 1: Send out your volunteers to sail the local area. The more volunteers the better. Hopefully, they spread the discussion to their family unit, friends, and coworkers, increasing their sales fifty-fifty more.

raffle booth all set up

Pace 2: Gear up up your sales tables equally agreed at local businesses. Using your sales pitch, sell to shoppers and passersby. You lot might fifty-fifty consider displaying the vehicle up for raffle, if possible.

Part v of 5: Raffle the vehicle

Materials Needed

  • A big basin or other container (to draw the tickets from)
  • Any secondary prizes
  • The vehicle upward for raffle

Later selling as many tickets every bit yous can, it is time to hold the raffle. Commonly held at a large location, such equally at the dealership that provided the vehicle, the raffle drawing should exist a big event. You lot tin even invite local celebrities to participate and invite local media to comprehend the consequence. Yous should also provide plenty of entertainment to fill in the time when yous are non drawing tickets, including live music and free or low-cost food.

  • Tip: To make even more than coin for your charity or arrangement, consider selling entry tickets to the raffle cartoon itself. This can also aid start the costs of any food or entertainment you provide at the big event.

Pace 1: Place all of the tickets in a bowl or other container large enough to hold all of them. Make certain to make a show of mixing all of the tickets together so anybody knows it is a fair drawing.

Footstep 2: Depict raffle tickets for secondary prizes first. First with the less-expensive prizes and build toward the drawing for the vehicle by offering prizes of always-increasing value.

Step 3: Draw the raffle ticket for the vehicle. Have a local celebrity or community representative that you take invited to the raffle do the drawing to requite information technology more significance.

Raffling off a vehicle for a good cause is a great fashion to support charities and organizations. When raffling off a vehicle, brand sure it looks the best it tin can past getting it cleaned by a professional detailer.

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