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Have you seen those cute paper and paint dragons they hang up in Chinese restaurants? Do y'all want to draw or pigment ane? Although they may await difficult to draw at first, they are really easy to do! Be sure to look at the images for guidance (click on them to overstate).

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  1. one

    Depict ii medium-sized circles that near bear upon each other. Within, draw a pretty big black circle inside it. Those will exist the pupils. You tin make the pupils any color, but you lot can also make no pupil at all. If you decide to brand it without any pupil, your dragon will get a more scarier, fierce look.

  2. 2

    Depict two aroused looking eyebrows so the dragon can look fiercer if you added the pupils on the optics. (Optional)


  3. 3

    Draw the nose of the dragon past cartoon a sort of four-leaf clover and so depict the snout - making it like a trunk of a palm tree. If you are already in the mouth part, erase a bit of the snout and make a line that leads onto the oral cavity.

    • If you want to, y'all can make the mouth of your dragon open and also add a natural language like in the picture.
    • Don't forget to add together the sharp teeth! The dragon is nothing with out sharp and menacing teeth.
  4. 4

    Draw the neck and scales. Do you lot find the orange things coming out of the back of the dragon? This is what separates the Chinese dragons from the fairytale dragons. When you draw the neck, make sure it looks elegant yet chunky and ugly. On the forepart of the cervix, make sure you draw a patch of color on it. Recollect to add scales in the dorsum.

  5. 5

    Draw the torso. Make certain to make the trunk all tangled together similar a spaghetti noodle. Or yous can make the body all in a swaying way. Remember to depict the scales and the almost flaming things in the dorsum.

  6. six

    Color it. Chinese dragons tin be bright colors, similar cherry-red and orangish, or dark colors like purple and blue. Color your dragon for a realistic bear on.

  7. 7

    Compare your image and add together anything you may have missed out.

  8. 8

    Enjoy your moving picture. Hang it up on a frame, give it to a loved 1, or tape it to your binder's cover to show it off.


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  • Question

    What is the easiest mode to draw a Chinese dragon?

    Community Answer

    Draw two parallel S-curved lines and taper them off on one finish. On the other end, depict a big oval and a smaller circle underneath. Trace the oval and circle together. Y'all should take a basic Chinese dragon shape.

  • Question

    How do I make the eyes expect madder?

    Community Answer

    Add together large bushy eyebrows and make the optics squint.

  • Question

    Why does information technology accept horns?

    Community Answer

    The horns correspond strength.

  • Question

    Tin can I draw wings on the dragon?

    Community Answer

    Sure, even so, Chinese Dragons normally don't have wings. They slither in the air, similar it's water, but if you make up one's mind to, yous should make information technology in the space betwixt the front and back legs. Maybe make them a darker color of the body, like a deep red, if you lot use the above example.

  • Question

    How tin I brand the head wait less like a bull's head?

    Community Answer

    Draw it from the side or make the head narrower.

  • Question

    Why practise I take to utilise blue?

    Cheyene Rasmussen22

    Cheyene Rasmussen22

    Community Reply

    That's the color most Chinese brand them. Even so, you can make them any color you lot want or need.

  • Question

    Does it have to have a long tail?

    Community Answer

    Most Chinese dragons have long tails but yous could make information technology shorter if you want.

  • Question

    What colors work best for a Chinese dragon?

    Community Answer

    It is best to utilise vivid, warm colors, such as cherry-red, orange, and yellowish. Expect at some pictures online for reference.

  • Question

    Do Chinese dragons take wings?

    Community Answer

    No, Chinese dragons do not have wings.

  • Question

    How do I add scales to a drawn Chinese dragon? Should they cover the lizard's head?

    Community Answer

    Calculation scales is optional, but in Chinese art, they have scales. Nigh of the time, scales do non encompass the caput.

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  • Shading makes the drawing look more than realistic.

  • If your upshot doesn't come out exactly similar the picture, that's fine. A more artistic spin could actually be better!

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  • Not everyone can depict a cute dragon at their first endeavour so if your dragon doesn't come out as yous expect information technology to be, endeavor once again. Once you become a hang of it, you will probably describe one of the most cute and best dragons anyone has seen!


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