
Ford Teases the Future of Transportation With Super Bowl Spot

If you're amongst the 100-meg-plus people who plan to lookout the Super Bowl this Sun, you'll as well encounter ads that go for well-nigh US$x meg per minute, created to convince viewers purchase everything from soft drinks to estimator fries.

Nextcar Bug artPer usual, a big portion of these spots volition plug the latest cars and trucks. Ford, for instance, has an almost two-minute spot that volition air before the kicking-off of the big game. However, the car-maker's spot won't follow the traditional path of focusing on a new model. Instead, information technology's nigh how the company'due south mobility solutions can make your life easier.

"No one likes being stuck," histrion Bryan Cranston said in a voiceover. Ford products then predictably come up to the rescue; a Ford F-150 pick-up pulls a Ford Fusion sedan out of the snow, a Ford Sync iii navigation system helps a driver find a fashion around traffic, and a self-parking system steers a automobile into an empty space.

Ford concludes its commercial past positioning itself as a mobility provider as much an motorcar-maker. "We're going farther and so you can," the ad said before flashing the phrases "Ride sharing … Electrical vehicles … Bike sharing … Self-driving cars," and ending with a futuristic scene of ii passengers rolling along a littoral road in an autonomous vehicle.

While industry insiders and some tech enthusiasts may know that Ford has been aggressively positioning itself equally a mobility provider, the message of Ford's Super Bowl advert may exist lost on the average football game fan or motorcar buyer.

"Those shut to the auto manufacture know what we are doing at Ford almost mobility services," Chantel Lenard, Ford'southward Executive Director of US Marketing, told Forbes. "But those who aren't shut to it may not be thinking almost Ford in that fashion all the same, [so] the advertising shows things that we're working on now all the way into the time to come."

What Would Henry Call up?

The advertising fabricated me wonder what company founder Henry Ford—who is largely credited with transforming personal transportation a century ago—would think of this pivot away from Ford's core business.

Elena Ford, Henry's great-bully-granddaughter and the visitor's electric current Vice President of Global Dealer and Consumer Feel, told Forbes she believed it "would put a smile on his face up. He is a pioneer of innovation and has ever been the one who challenged convention and was always frontward-thinking."

Henry Ford as well realised the power of advertising; an advert for the Ford Model T in a 1908 edition of the Saturday Evening Post has been called "The Advert that Launched a Revolution." While Ford'due south Super Bowl advert almost certainly won't take the same effect as the Sat Evening Post ad 109 years ago, information technology's a break from the norm of showing the latest sheet metal during the big game.

Given the big money spent on Super Bowl ads, it'due south a bold move for Ford—and one I predict will be repeated by other machine-makers in 2022.

About Doug Newcomb


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