Mad Max Fury Road Drawing
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Rescue Party
Main Characters
Max Rockatansky
"As the world fell it was hard to know who was more crazy. Me... Or everyone else."
"How much more can they take from me? They've got my blood. Now it's my car!"
A former Main Force Patrol cop, now a drifter, haunted by the past and pursued by scavengers in the present. Don't think too hard about whether or not he's the same Max once played by Mel Gibson, or how he's seemingly the same age after this long, Word of God is that it doesn't matter.
- AB Negative: Max is an O-negative "universal donor", which saves his life: Immortan Joe and his flunkies keep Max captive to use him as a "blood bag" instead of killing him outright — just as Joe sees the Five Wives as his "breeders". He is thus carried into battle by Nux, who is in need of an extended transfusion. This becomes a Chekhov's Gun when Max has to perform a transfusion for Furiosa.
- Action Dad: While not his biological kids, he does a lot of ass-kicking in the name of protecting the Five Wives, once he comes around to them. He also does plenty of ass-kicking in the tie-in comics and video game, when he brings Glory the Child out of the Sunken City. Exemplified when Rictus tries to physically pull the Wives out of the cabin. Bad move.
- Action Survivor: While not in a mentally sound state he survives being forced into a car crash by the War Boys, being strapped to the hood of a car during a high speed chase while his blood is being drained to sustained Nux, subsequently crashing in the middle of a colossal sandstorm and manages to subdue Furiosa in a fight while being chained to a (briefly) unconscious Nux and while she's being assisted by the other Wives. In the first third of the movie alone.
- Ambiguous Disorder: Show signs of PTSD, and maybe schizophrenia (he's antisocial, hears voices, and has vivid and disturbing hallucinations.)
- Angrish: Spouts some while strapped to Nux's car, the most famous of which is "Confucamus!"
- Awesome Aussie: Though now played by an English guy. His first action sequence has him taking on an innumerable amount of Warboys and almost winning. He's shown consistently kicking all kinds of ass, only suffering any real issues from the surprise attack at the start, taking on Furiosa while chained to Nux, and any time his PTSD kicks in at inopportune moments. His Offscreen Moment of Awesome cements this.
- Awesome McCoolname: Max Rockatansky.
- Badass Baritone: Tom Hardy speaks with a low, gravelly tone in the film. It makes his the fewer lines he has compared to the rest of the cast stick out more and makes Max come across as even more Badass. Overlaps with Guttural Growler.
- Badass Driver: His main role through all four films — drive fast, survive.
- Barbarian Longhair: Has shaggy long hair at the start of the movie (until his captors shave it off).
- Berserk Button: He's not happy whenever he sees a War Boy driving his car. This especially stands out in contrast with his usual The Stoic behaviour when he suddenly starts screaming "That's mine!"
- After he regains his sense of helping others, don't mess with the Wives in front of him.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Max speaks only when he needs to, letting his actions and combat prowess speak for him.
- Bound and Gagged: Begins Fury Road like this. Although he briefly frees himself and is too occupied trying to escape the War Boys he leaves his gag on.
- Broken Bird: This movie puts more emphasis on just how broken and on the edge of sanity Max is, though he hasn't quite gone completely over the edge.
- But for Me, It Was Tuesday: In both a
funny and awesome moment, Max's reaction when he arrives back after personally confronting the Bullet Farmer and his goons, armed with only a kukri and a jerry can of gas, covered in blood that isn't his? "Hm."
- But Now I Must Go: Once Furiosa has effectively succeeded Immortan Joe, he shares a knowing look with her before disappearing into the cheering crowd.
- Butt-Monkey: He is captured, beaten, tortured, and made a blood bag in the first fifteen minutes. Later, he is converted into a hood ornament and hoisted on the car of another Butt-Monkey Nux with an ugly muzzle strapped to his face. Then he starts to impose himself by surviving an electromagnetic storm, winning a three-way fist fight while still being chained and then freeing himself from his muzzle and taking the wheel.
- Character Development: Max regains his sense of helping others.
- Character Tics: Tends to cover his face when hallucinating which winds up inadvertently saving him from a near-headshot at the start of the climax.
- Chekhov's Gun:
- At the start, the Organic Mechanic notes that Max is a universal donor. That's going to become very important later on.
- On a related note, he keeps the IV tubing Nux was using to siphon blood from him (you can see it tied up on his shoulder in the picture).
- His habit of reflexively covering his face with his hand when hallucinating spares him a crossbow bolt in the forehead in the finale.
- Classical Anti-Hero: There's nothing special about Max — his main "superpower" is that he survives.
- Close-Range Combatant: Many of his greater feats in the film, such as subduing Furiosa (while chained to Nux, no less) and taking out Rictus Erectus, the People Eater, and the Bullet Farmer, are all done in close quarters using melee weapons, Improvised Weapon, or just Good Old Fisticuffs.
- Combat Medic: Due to his training as a cop, when Furiosa's lungs are collapsing, Max knows to re-inflate them by piercing her side with a knife. Then he gives her a blood transfusion using the tubing he was hooked up to by the Warboys.
- Combat Pragmatist: As we said above, his main "superpower" is survival. If he's in a fight, he'll use whatever's on hand to win — from knives, to clubs, to guns, skulls, oxygen tanks, car doors, wrenches... But especially fists.
- Cool Car: The Pursuit Special, once again. George Miller likened the Pursuit Special as the Trigger to Max's Roy Rogers. Sadly, it gets destroyed. Again. Twice.
- Dark and Troubled Past: The details are never really explained, but the film's opening establishes that he's seen (and probably participated in) a lot of bad things. The tie-in comics go to more detail about this. Suffice to say, he has plenty of reasons to be troubled.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Heavily favors a black color scheme, but is at worst neutral before shifting into a less ambiguously good character.
- Death Glare: His default expression for the first half of the film, especially when he's stuck in the metal muzzle.
- Defrosting Ice King: A gruff man of few words, who has completely cut himself off from humanity and cares little for Furiosa and the women she's trying to protect. He speaks in grunts, shoots a pregnant woman in the leg and keeps his distance from everyone else. After spending a lot of time with the girls, he rediscovers compassion, changing his initial plan of "escape Joe's men at any cost" to "protect the women at any cost." At the end of the film, Max willingly donates his blood to save Furiosa's life and finally tells her his name.
- Dented Iron: He takes a thorough beating over the course of the film. At one point, he gets his hand pinned to his face by a crossbow bolt. He kills several people before he gets round to removing the bolt.
- Determinator: Max is absolutely relentless. No matter how much trouble he finds himself in, Max will fight like a wild animal to achieve whatever his goal is at the time.
- Empty Shell: When the Organic Mechanic says he's borderline feral, it's hard to disagree. He barely seems to remember his name.
- Establishing Character Moment: His battle with Furiosa. The sheer ferocity and skill he displays wows all present, but Furiosa realizes that she's met a good (if severely shell-shocked) man when he wastes three precious bullets firing into the ground next to her head to force her to submit as opposed to the simple solution of putting a single round into the back of her skull. You can practically see the wheels turning in her head, and she treats him as an equal from that point on.
- Go Mad from the Isolation: He's obviously been alone for a long time and shows several signs of having forgotten how to interact with people normally, from his extreme twitchiness to his habit of talking to himself rather than anyone else. It's also quite prevalent in the very first shot we see of him: as he overlooks the wastes, we see the door to the Interceptor is slightly ajar and there's all sorts of crap spilling out.
- Guttural Growler: He has a noticeably gravelly, growly sounding voice. Overlaps with Badass Baritone. That said, it's likely that the guttural-ness of his voice is due to lack of use.
- Handicapped Badass: Kicks ass despite his mental illness and dependence on a leg brace.
- Heartbroken Badass: He's haunted by the ghosts of the people he failed to save, most notably a little girl named Glory the Child.
- Hearing Voices: To go with his hallucinations, he often hears the voice of a young pale child talking to him. Sometimes he'll hear the child's voice in place of a real one saying the same thing.
- Heroic BSoD: Max experiences this at the end of his tie-in comic when Glory dies/the end of the videogame where the same thing happens, and he doesn't truly recover from it until halfway or so during Fury Road.
- Hyper-Competent Sidekick: To Furiosa. While she's certainly extremely capable herself, this is still Max we're talking about here. For instance, he's the one coming up with the idea to retake the Citadel, but also kills the Bullet Farmer when he's on the group's trail and takes down the People Eater and destroys the Gas Town War Rig.
- Iconic Outfit: An interesting application of it; he has it in the introduction
, loses it to Nux
after he is captured by the War Boys, and reclaims
it before the second chase - however, throughout all of this, it's a dusty brown. However, once he stops focusing on his own survival — when he leaves to fight the Bullet Farmer and tells the others to leave without him if he's not back by the time the engines cool off — it is once more
◊ the slick(if extremely worn) black seen in previous movies.
- Improvised Weapon: When Rictus looks like he might go after Cheedo and Furiosa Max attacks him with a skull. Then he clobbers him with one of his own oxygen tanks.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A very deeply hidden heart of gold. Even when Furiosa convinces him he needs her, he still tries to leave the Wives behind. But after enough time, his more compassionate past as a dutiful cop shines through.
- Knight in Sour Armor: See also Jerk with a Heart of Gold. He may not always be happy about it, but he will do the right thing and help everyone else above all else.
- Kukris Are Kool: When off to take care of a Blind Bullet Farmer he picks up a Kukri and some explosive materials.
- Legacy Character: Possibly.
Word of God states that he may or may not be the original Max.
- Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: His boot gets pulled off while he kicks Slit off of Nux's car. Later, Max steals a boot from Nux as a replacement.
- Man Bites Man: He was literally muzzled while held in the Citadel, presumably to keep him from biting his captors. When his shotgun shells fizzle out, he actually attempts to gnaw Nux's arm off before remembering that he still has his muzzle on.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: His flashbacks to Glory the Child seem like simple traumatised hallucinations, but the one that inspires him to suggest that Furiosa and the Wives take the Citadel contains a split-second precognitive vision of the
extremely tenacious Polecat who will later come very close to giving him a fatal headshot during the climax. The fact that the same vision reappears at precisely the right moment to help him survive said headshot (by triggering his instinct to cover his face just as the crossbow gets fired at his head,) might suggest there is something supernatural to it. If it is indeed Glory's ghost, then him receiving painful and distracting visions when he flees despite them telling him to "stop running", but helpful ones when he decides to help people, might suggest it is a benevolent ghost trying to guide him to reconnect with his fellow humans.
- Multiple-Choice Past: There's a minor Continuity Snarl in relating his backstory (a cop from Just Before the End) to how exactly he's seemingly the same age while Immortan Joe is ancient, or how he has the Pursuit Special in spite of it having been wrecked in The Road Warrior. A weird example would be his actions in the tie-in comic and the game, which seem to relate similar events, such as rescuing a child from an underground hellhole controlled by Buzzards, but differ wildly as to what actually happened. Making things more confusing, the game shows Max's bad leg getting injured as well. The one thing the two of them have is that they're both Prequels. It's not worth the time to puzzle it out though, as
Word of God is that it doesn't matter as the story of Max is more of a series of legends riddled with inconsistency.
- This also goes for the Interceptor. Rest easy, gearheads, the thing is fine, but the comic seems to imply the car was stolen from Buzzards.
- No Name Given: Well, the audience knows his name. Furiosa and the Wives don't since he never tells them until near the end of the movie. "No Name" is even part of the information tattooed on his back as a captive.
- No Social Skills: A man of few words who spends just as much time muttering to himself as he does talking to others. When he does speak with others his inflections are often a bit off, as though he's forgotten how to converse normally.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: A quintet of perfect, gorgeous women in skimpy diaphanous white fabric? Nah. Clean water? Oh, hell yes.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Whatever he does to the Bullet Farmer. We just see him walk off, later there's an explosion in the distance, and he comes back lugging the guy's supplies with blood on his face that isn't his.
- Older Than They Look: According to the forward in the art book, it's been over 40 years since the apocalypse, meaning Max would have to be in his 60s by this point. There's also the fact he seems to be roughly the same age as characters who were explicitly born after the collapse, like Furiosa and Joe's sons.
- One-Man Army: Takes on something like twenty War Boys at once and almost escapes. He also gets in a fight with Furiosa and all five of the Wives, while still chained to Nux, shortly after surviving a massive car crash, and wins. He also kills the Bullet Farmer and all his men offscreen, in about 30 seconds, with only a kukri.
- Papa Wolf: Not at first, but Max ends up developing a fierce protective side over the Wives. Rictus learns this the hard way when he's beaten near to death with an oxygen tank.
- Perma-Stubble: At least after the War Boys shave him down.
- Personality Blood Types: Possibly a coincidence, but he does have many of the traits (determination, physical prowess, emotional instability and antisocial tendencies) associated with Type Os in Japanese blood type woo.
- Pinball Protagonist: One of the few complaints is that Furiosa is the real hero of the movie while Max is reduced to the role of sidekick. The complaints overlook the facts that Max is still a prominent figure for most of the movie (as the Audience Surrogate), comes up with half of the ideas and acts that keep the group alive, and undergoes a standard heroic character arc. His perceived lack of focus is also due to the efficiency of the plot: the audience doesn't need to know Max's backstory in great detail to understand his motivations and general badassery, leaving space for events that propel the story. In an example of Tropes Are Not Bad, Max serves as more of a catalyst in the film than a true protagonist. note It should also be noted this is a similar case, though applied differently, with the two previous films. The only film where Max is the focus of the story is the first one.
- The Quiet One: At one point in the film, he speaks three sentences in a row. It's kind of shocking. In total, he has only 52 lines in the movie, including the Opening Narration.
- Sanity Slippage: Teeters on this, suffering reoccurring nightmares of Glory the Child and frequently muttering to himself.
- Slave Brand: Gains a very large one
put on his back after being captured in the opening declaring him property of Immortan Joe and listing his blood type as O-, among other useful information.
- Steel Ear Drums: Seemingly. Has a sidearm and a sniper rifle go off right next to his ears. The audio does feature a prominent ringing sound that lasts for several seconds afterwards in both instances, suggesting it does affect him, and he noticeably flinches and shakes his head afterward the second as though it hurts.
- The Stoic: Zigzagged. He's quiet enough to count as this and at times he's a blank slate in terms of emotion, but it gets progressively more downplayed as he learns to interact with other people.
- Supporting Protagonist: Max is simply caught up in Furiosa's rebellion against Immortan Joe and tags along with her (at least at first) simply by not having any other options.
- Team Dad: Takes this place in the group beside Furiosa, coming up with plans and being instrumental in protecting them.
- Took a Level in Kindness: Being with Furiosa and the Wives helps Max re-learn his sense of helping out others.
- Trauma Button: Watching Angharad die brings about visions of Glory the Child who, depending on whether you played the game or read the prequel comics, died in Max's arms after being tortured by Scabrous Scrotus or run down with her mother by some Buzzards. This event marks a major turning point in his Character Development and his relationship with Furiosa and the Wives.
- The Unfettered: Between his traumatic past, years of solitude in the wasteland, and severe mental instability, it is clear at the beginning of the film that his mind is locked firmly on survival mode, and everyone else be damned. His teaming up with Furiosa and the Wives was done out of necessity, since the War Rig had a kill switch installed on it that only Furiosa knew the combination to, and he otherwise would have left her and the Wives in the middle of the desert without a second thought. In addition, he doesn't even glance at The Dag when she spits insults at him in the cab, making it clear their opinion of him matters little if anything. As the movie goes on, however, he begins opening up, and his priorities shift from simply surviving to actually helping and reconnecting with his fellow human beings.
- Walking the Earth: Max has apparently been leading this lifestyle for some time when the film begins before he's captured by War Boys and taken on a very wild ride. Once everything's over and done with, he gets right back to it, only this time with a restored sense of humanity.
- Wild Hair: Starts the movie with this. Then the War Boys cut his hair and shave him.
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: Max's accent is all over the place in this movie. It seems like Tom Hardy is attempting an Australian accent but it slips until it becomes unrecognisable.
- What You Are in the Dark: During the movie's latter portion, Max has the complete choice up to him, without it being a last resort or survival necessity. Once they give him a motorcycle, he can either let them go to what is likely a barren wasteland, and they would never hate him for it. Or he could go after them and help them achieve a more hopeful future. He chooses the latter.
- Withholding Their Name: Being a paranoid loner of the post-apocalyptic landscape, Max Rockatansky refuses to reveal his name, until after the climax of the film. As such, Furiosa refers to him as "fool".
- Would Hit a Girl: He and Furiosa beat the ever-loving shit out of each other in their first encounter.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: During his initial scenes with the Wives, he actively does not threaten or point a gun at Cheedo, even when getting her attention (he just snaps his fingers instead). In the scene with the Rock Riders when Furiosa makes the Wives hide in the bottom of the War Rig, as Cheedo starts to climb down, Max gives her a very incredulous and surprised look, like he's only now realizing just how young she is.
Imperator Furiosa
"We keep moving."
"Out here, everything hurts."
One of Immortan Joe's Imperators, trusted to driving the caravan from the Citadel to its destination. She hides Joe's Wives in her rig so that they can escape to her childhood home, the Green Place.
- 100% Adoration Rating: if the cheering of Citadel crowd at the end is anything to go by.
- Action Girl: Even for this series, where being an Action Girl is practically a requirement to survive, Furiosa manages to outdo them all. She's not only an incredibly good shot and a brutal fighter up close, but she leads a rebellion against Immortan Joe by taking his Wives and running. And in the end, she frees the Citadel from his oppression. This is all while coming close to death several times. Some critics and fans are already touting her as the Ellen Ripley of the current generation.
- An Arm and a Leg: In the final chase, Furiosa sacrifices her mechanical arm to kill Immortan Joe after attaching the chain that she tosses into Joe's wheels. As mentioned below, this is also symbolic with Furiosa casting away who she was by Joe's will and becoming something else entirely as a result of her vengeance satisfied and finally being liberated from his reign.
- Anti-Hero: According to Theron, her rescuing of the Five Wives is partly about freeing them, but it's more about taking them away from Joe to hurt him since he hurt her.
- Arch-Enemy: Immortan Joe, the tyrant who kept her as a Sex Slave.
- Artificial Limbs: Her left arm is mechanical, and can be detached and reattached as the situation calls for it. It's never revealed how she lost it, though. Given the lack of a scar it's even possible she was born without it.
- The Atoner: We never learn exactly what she is attempting to redeem herself for, but Furiosa was taken as a slave by Immortan Joe 20 years ago. How she rose to become an imperator of the savage, tyrannical, and otherwise all-male War Boys is unknown, but given the highly savage and misogynistic culture of the Citadel, it's likely all the extra horrible things she probably had to do to attain the rank of Imperator — and she states that trying to rescue the Wives from Immortan Joe is an attempt at redemption.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: You don't become an Imperator without knowing how to kick epic ass. It's telling that no matter how bizarre her behavior is when commanding the War Rig, her second-in-command takes her orders on faith that she's doing it for the good of Immortan. It isn't until after defeating the Russians and the War Boys are still attacking that he cottons to her betrayal.
- Awesome McCoolname: As revealed by the Vuvalini, Furiosa is apparently her birth name, meaning that it wasn't a badass nickname she came up with to blend in with the Warboys.
- Imperator is her title (something akin to "Commander" in Latin), but still sounds awesome. Especially in combination with her real name.
- Badass Driver: Of the War Rig.
- Bad Boss: She had a lot of War Boys with her when she decided to go rogue and head to the Green Place. Part of her deal with the Bikers was that she had to show up alone, so she almost certainly drove into Buzzard territory to thin out the convoy's numbers.
- Bald Women: Creating contrast between her and the Wives.
- Bodyguard Betrayal: In the comic backstory, Immortan had her guard his Wives because he didn't trust any of the men to do it. This backfires badly.
- Boyish Short Hair: This was Charlize Theron's own suggestion to set her apart from the Wives which made George Miller make the standard feature of Joe's forces, much to the dismay of the actors and stunt doubles playing War Boys all having to shave their heads, though in the end it worked heavily in the film's favor, making the War Boys in the opening seem like the zombies from World War Z, more akin to a natural force than humans.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Immortan treated her like property. The rest of the Citadel probably had to be cowed into respecting her as she climbed the ranks, and they obviously dislike her. Max is the first guy who showed her proper respect and didn't try to kill her at the first sign of weakness. As a result, he and Furiosa become Bash Brothers.
- Big Good: Opposite Immortan Joe's Big Bad, with her main objective being the liberation of The Wives.
- Bilingual Bonus: Imperator is Latin for commander, from which English "emperor" comes from. Furiosa means "furious" in Latin, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
- Childhood Friends: With The Valkyrie.
- Cold Sniper: She's noticably more stoic whenever she holds a gun, and a really good shot. She snipes the Bullet Farmer from a mile away in the dark, with a single bullet.
- Crazy-Prepared: She keeps all manner of Hidden Weapons around the War Rig, including a pistol concealed on its exterior and a knife in the gearstick. She also has a startup sequence of switches that, if not entered properly, will disable the War Rig.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Furiosa was taken from her home as a child, lived under the ruling of Immortan Joe, and it's possible she was a former wife of Joe's and raped by him. There's also the horrible things she very likely had to do to become an Imperator.
- Determinator: No matter what Joe throws her way, Furiosa will not allow herself or the Wives to be taken by him.
- Deuteragonist: She's the character who kick-starts and drives the plot, but Max has the primary point of view and the most screentime.
- Distaff Counterpart: In many ways, she's similar to Papagallo from The Road Warrior. Her goal is to take her people to The Promised Land and makes use of a Big Badass Rig to do so. The difference here is that Furiosa survives her stab wound to the back, the promised land she was looking for was home all along.
- Family Eye Resemblance: When the Vuvalini (besides Valkyrie) are initially wary that she is who she says she is, one of them notes, "Something in the eyes… perhaps it is Jo Bassa's child."
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Given the Warboys' generally misogynistic culture, it's safe to assume that Furiosa, a woman, wasn't regarded as particularly valuable when she was young. Despite this, she managed to rise to the rank of Imperator in the Warboys' ranks, working directly for Immortan Joe, so you know she earned it. It's assumed the redemption she seeks is for everything she's done to earn that title.
- Good Is Not Nice: Is determined to free Immortan Joe's "breeder" sex slaves at any cost. She's a steely, ruthless Combat Pragmatist who will gladly send an army's worth of brainwashed mooks to Valhalla to accomplish this.
- Heel–Face Turn: Before the movie began, she was one of Immortan Joe's highest ranked military leaders, before having a change of heart and deciding to free his five Sex Slaves from his oppression.
- Heroic BSoD: After they find the Many Mothers, and she learns that the Green Place has become a barren swamp.
- Hero of Another Story: She is too much hero for one story. We know the enigmatic Imperator of iron will who leads the prisoner-wives to freedom. The other, untold one is how in the hell a beautiful orphan-child kidnapped from her "family" dodged becoming one of Joe's "breeders", grew to womanhood in the Citadel, rose to the rank of Imperator, earned her own War Rig, and became such a trusted leader that her lieutenant assumes she has a brilliant secret plan and follows her orders without question when she drives off-route. It is implied by the burn mark on her neck and her white scraps of clothing that she probably was one of Joe's breeders; so it's more like how she rose up in the ranks.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: The Polecat she stabbed in the shoulder with the gear handle knife later uses the knife to severely wound her in return.
- Hot-Blooded: Shown especially when she first fights Max and Nux.
- I Am X, Son of Y: When they find the Vuvalini, Furiosa introduces herself by rattling off her tribal lineage, so they won't shoot her from ambush like they were clearly planning to. Also a case of I Am What I Am, since this is the first time in twenty years that she reconnects with her long lost past.
Furiosa: I am one of the Vuvalini! Of the Many Mothers! My Initiate Mother was K.T. Concannon! I am the daughter of Mary Jabassa. My clan was Swaddle Dog!
- Improbable Aiming Skills: She's a crack shot and proves it by landing a precise shot where Max has failed to.
- Invasion of the Baby Snatchers: How Furiosa ended up at the Citadel as a little girl.
- Mama Bear: God forbid you lay a hand on any of the Wives.
- Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: She was deemed unfit to be Immortan's breeder. She clawed her way up the ranks of the Citadel, but being Imperator did not earn her respect from Immortan or his cronies. She was still treated as Joe's property. Guess what Joe, she just took your precious Wives on a joyride into hostile territory.
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: An Australian who was born in Australia, grew up surrounded by people speaking with Australian accents, and uses Australian slang but speaks in only an American accent.
- The Not-Love Interest: To Max, with whom she eventually shares a deep — and platonic — camaraderie. Max feels the same, as when she is dying from blood loss he attends to her wounds and willingly donates blood to keep her alive.
- Not So Above It All: Has the same little-to-no regard for the War Boys that Immortan Joe has, particularly even when they protect her War Rig. Particularly in the case of Ace, who is implied to have quickly turned on her because of her own mistreatment.
- Of Corsets Sexy: The 'battle corset' version, though not played much for fanservice.
- It's actually meant to be a back support of the kind used by many real long haul truckers.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: When she kills Immortan Joe, she says, "Remember me?"
- Properly Paranoid: Furiosa keeps a number of weapons inside and outside the War-Rig in case she's attacked at an inopportune moment. She's also installed a short-circuiter to prevent any carjacking. Each and everyone of her assets are used multiple times throughout her journey.
- Redemption Equals Death: Attempted — after being stabbed in the back, she gives Nux the wheel and makes an apparently suicidal assault on Joe's car. It takes some crude emergency surgery, but she survives.
- She Is the King: Imperator is masculine in Latin, the feminine form is Imperatrix.
- Slave Brand: The only Imperator to have Immortan Joe's sigil on the back of her neck.
- Taking You with Me: After the Black Mask stabs her in the side, she realizes she's dying and immediately hands the wheel over to Nux, so she can crawl her way over to Immortan Joe and kill him before she dies.
- Team Mom: She functions as the Wives' protector and caretaker.
- The Unreveal: We never learn details like how she lost an arm, or how she survived among Joe's cult of madness. When she hisses at Joe "Remember me?" right before she kills him, we get possibly an idea just how painful that past had to have been for her.
- The comic book prequel further reinforces this speculation, as Angharad deduces that Furiosa was a former wife; Furiosa doesn't respond.
The Five Wives
In General
"We are NOT THINGS!"
— Ms. Giddy
The wives of Immortan Joe, they are kept in a Gilded Cage made from an old vault. They are completely healthy, free of mutation or significant scars, which is why Joe keeps them around. He wants them to bear him strong and healthy children.
- Barefoot Poverty: Angharad, Toast, and Cheedo are all barefoot, as they were expected to stay in their cell at all times.
- Beautiful Slave Girls: Deconstructed; their beauty is a curse as it has drawn Immortan Joe to claim them as his property. They wear demeaning chastity belts as punishment, as per the comic book. And the constant air of despair they give off isn't attractive to anyone save sociopaths like Joe.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Nastily subverted. Toast gets a nasty scar from being pistol whipped. Angharad has visible, self-inflicted scars on her face and wrists. Although one has to admit that dying from getting run over by a humongous car didn't damage her beauty in any way.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Angharad and The Dag are blonde, Toast and Cheedo are brunette, and Capable is red-haired.
- The Big Girl: Toast, an emotionally tough girl willing to fight or do anything else it takes to get to freedom. Switches with the Dag, who is the most prone to violence.
- Breeding Slave: Immortan Joe's five "Wives" are this, with each being given three chances to bear him a healthy male child before being cast out. If the implications about the "milk mothers" who are treated like livestock and constantly milked to provide sustenance to the Warboys is true, he's gone through quite a few of them. The plot of the movie concerns Furiosa betraying Joe to liberate his five current "Wives", leading to Joe launching a relentless chase after her to get them back.
- Everyone Loves Blondes: The wives are good characters; in fact Splendid is arguably the most compassionate (arguably, because it was the redhead Capable who reached out the most to Nux). Unfortunately, Joe's preferences seem to run along this trope since Splendid and The Dag are the only "Wives" who are pregnant.
- Fanservice: All five are introduced wearing gauzy, sexualized clothing. This is quickly subverted however when it's clear their beauty singled them out for rape at Immortan Joe's hand, and that they are more than just window dressing.
- Five-Man Band: The Wives slot easily into this, interestingly enough.
- The Leader: The Splendid Angharad, the one all the others clearly look to for guidance and inspiration.
- The Lancer: Capable, being the second-most prominent of the Wives and the one the others will look to if Angharad is unavailable. She's a bit softer-spoken and less forceful than Angharad can be.
- The Big Guy: Toast the Knowing, the only one with practical survival skills (knowledge of guns and driving).
- The Smart Guy: The Dag, introspective, insightful, and with a poetic bent to her speech.
- The Chick: Cheedo The Fragile, who is, well, the fragile one, being the youngest and most naieve and sheltered of the Wives.
- Gilded Cage: Their old home is a genuinely pleasant-looking place, containing greenery, plentiful water, soft furniture, even the incredible luxury of paper... all behind a door salvaged from a bank vault that's always kept locked.
- The Heart: Capable. Her warmth was able to win over Nux, a useful ally in their fight against Joe. The opposite in personality to Angharad; more taciturn and gentle.
- Hidden Depths: Each Wife displays a particular talent or self-aware strength during the chase. Except for Cheedo until the final battle where she finally proves useful.
- Impractically Fancy Outfit: The Wives wear these, but this is justified because they've never been outside their Gilded Cage. Some of them at least manage to find appropriate footwear.
- The Leader: Angharad, the charismatic one who speaks for the other Wives.
- Meaningful Name: Each one has a name and/or epithet that reflects her personality.
- "Splendid" Angharad is very splendid in both beauty and personality, and Angharad is a Welsh name that means "much loved one," which she very much is by the others even after her death. On the dark side of this meaning, she's also Immortan Joe's most "loved" Wife.
- "Capable" is the most calm and composed of the Wives. There is also a scene where Furiosa protests her keeping watch she says, "I can do it," showing that she is capable.
- "Toast the Knowing" has a very dry sense of humor, and is shown to be a very fast and resourceful learner.
- "The Dag" fits the Australian slang term for someone who is nice but kind of a weirdo, given how she speaks very poetically (odd by itself in this post-apocalyptic world) despite being so violent and tomboyish.
- Cheedo "the Fragile" is... well, fragile. Cheedo could also be derived from the Medieval Slavic name "Chedo," which means "child" — fitting, since she's the youngest and most naive of the Wives.
- Neutral Female: Averted; the Wives may not know how to fight, but that doesn't mean they're just going to sit around and let Furiosa do all the work of keeping them out of Joe's reach; when Max starts scrapping with Furiosa (while Nux gets in the way) the Wives grab his chain in order to impede him, and they help to keep the rig going.
- Never Going Back to Prison: The prison being Joe's harem chamber.
- The One Who Wears Shoes: Capable and Dag are the ones wearing practical footwear for the desert.
- Rape as Backstory: Each of them have been raped by Joe — save for Cheedo, and it was surely only a matter of time in her case — and two at least are pregnant with his children.
- The comics revealed the only reason that Cheedo is untouched by Immortan Joe is because The Dag often persuaded or goaded him into "having" her instead of Cheedo more than once.
- Restraining Bolt: Well, chastity belts. They "belong" to Immortan Joe. One of their most meaningful acts is to get them snipped off by a bolt cutter.
- Royal Harem: The Wives were kept in one prior to the start of the film, and their attempt to escape it makes up the film's plot.
- Sex Slave: Joe considers them his property, whose only purpose is to produce his children.
- Sexy Soaked Shirt: The five of them are introduced washing the dirt and grime off in the desert with a fire hose.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Despite their sheltered and submissive upbringing, they can stand up for themselves and are fully capable of heroic deeds.
- The Smart Girl: The Dag, who is highly observant, intuitive, and prone to speaking poetically. Switches with Toast, who is quick to learn and called The Knowing for a reason.
- So Beautiful, It's a Curse: While most of the women in the Citadel are hooked up to a machine to be harvested for their breast milk in Immortan Joe's tyrannical patriarchy, the most beautiful women of the Citadel get the misfortune of becoming his Sex Slaves. If they fail three times to give him a healthy baby boy, they are banished to the wasteland.
- Virgin in a White Dress: Not virgins per se, but the Wives carry the idea nonetheless, as they are untouched by mutation and radiation, as well as naive about their world at first. Played straight with Cheedo.
Splendid Angharad
The Splendid Angharad
"That's why we've got his logo seared on our back! Breeding stock, battle fodder!"
Played by: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Joe's favorite Wife, as well as the one most obviously pregnant. Strong-willed and charismatic, she is the one who convinced the others to escape.
- Actual Pacifist: She is insisting that Furiosa commits "no unnecessary killing" during their escape and refusing to even load a gun for somebody else to fire.
- Badass Pacifist: She opposes unnecessary killing, but is still willing to do whatever else it takes to escape with Furiosa alongside the other Wives.
- Big Good: She inspired the Wives to escape and caused the movie's events. George Miller has said she's Immortan Joe's true ideological opponent.
- Big Sister Instinct: She's the oldest of the Wives, and when Max is first in the rig with them, she angles her body so that Max can't even see Cheedo.
- Death of a Child: The heavily pregnant Angharad is the only one to die out of the five, along with her unborn child.
- Good Girls Avoid Abortion: Averted. Supplemental material reveal that Angharad tried to self-abort when she first found out she was pregnant. While she obviously failed, that she tried doesn't stop her from being depicted as the film's Big Good.
- Go Through Me: At one point she keeps Immortan Joe from shooting Furiosa by offering herself as a Human Shield, knowing full well he wouldn't dare harm her since she's carrying his child.
- The Leader: Of the Five Wives. The other four are clearly attempting to follow her ideals, even after she dies.
- Maternity Crisis: Subverted. She clutches her belly and gasps in pain while hiding from the Rock Riders, but it turns out the baby was just squirming and kicking painfully. A brief shot of her bare stomach during the ensuing chase shows him kicking so hard that her skin stretches.
- Meaningful Name: "Splendid" Angharad is indeed very splendid, in both beauty and personality, isn't she? Angharad also means "much loved one," which she very much is by the group even after her death. On the dark side of this trope, she is also Immortan Joe's favorite wife.
- Pregnant Badass: Extremely pregnant, but doesn't let that stop her from climbing around the outside of a speeding War Rig.
- Sacrificial Lamb: She is a side character who dies to show that things are getting dangerous.
- Self-Harm: Has scars on her face and arm. In an interview
her actress revealed that Angharad handled the stress and trauma of her life in captivity by cutting herself.
- Downplayed, but her actress has also revealed that Angharad has conflicted feelings about her Child by Rape, which is part of why she engages in such reckless behavior (like offering herself as a Human Shield, and climbing out of a speeding rig) despite knowing the danger it poses herself and her child.
- Statuesque Stunner: She's 5'9" and a number of characters find her attractive.
- Team Mom: Of the Five Wives since she's the oldest and the leader, but also the most protective and nurturing to them after Furiosa. Tellingly, she's also the most heavily pregnant.
- Top Wife: Immortan Joe has several captive "wives" in his harem, but it's made clear that Splendid Angharad is his favorite and he grieves when she dies in front of him. She's also the only one who's visibly pregnant, driving home that he valued her fertility more than anything. This doesn't seem to have necessarily translated into more authority among the wives themselves, since Furiosa (not a wife but a soldier) is the one calling the shots during their break-out.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: Angharad's rule is no unnecessary killing (she's not stupid). This results in the Wives sparing Nux, starting him on the trail to changing sides.
"He's a lying old man."
"There is no going back!"
The red-headed Wife, the most compassionate of the five.
- Badass Pacifist: Adheres to the rule as much as Angharad. Given a choice to count the ammo or to keep an eye on the road in case they're pursued again, she quickly volunteers for the watch.
- Brainy Specs: A variant. The engineering goggles she picks up mark her as one of the most... well... capable of the Wives.
- Goggles Do Nothing: While she wears goggles on her head, she never puts them over her eyes. They probably were useful when the War Rig drove into the sandstorm, but we never see her in that scene.
- Fiery Redhead: Averted. She's the only redhead of the Wives, but she's also the calmest, kindest, and most compassionate.
- The Heart: Of the Five Wives, Capable is the kindest and most softhearted, although it doesn't mean she's a pushover. It's her sympathy that helps to turn Nux.
- Implied Love Interest: She and Nux become quite affectionate to one another, inspiring his Heel–Face Turn, and ultimately his Heroic Sacrifice
- Nerves of Steel: And that's saying something, considering the party she's traveling with. Even when Max points a gun at her she barely wrinkles her eyebrows in worry, while even Toast and Angharad look at least mildly concerned. See The Stoic.
- Number Two: To Angharad. It's subtle, but she's often shown standing beside and giving support to Angharad in difficult situations (holding her up or dressing her wounds), such as when Max tries to take the War Rig and when Immortan Joe first catches up to them. When Angharad dies, Capable takes over as the unofficial leader of the Wives, staying up when the others are sleeping, volunteering for the most dangerous job (like keeping watch), and making decisions like telling the others they can trust Nux.)
- The Stoic: Only when Angharad dies, and later when Furiosa is dying does Capable lose her composure.
Toast the Knowing
"Don't damage the goods."
"Do you think someone's still out there? Sending shows?"
The most cynical of the Wives, and the most practical.
- Badass Driver: Drives the Gigahorse, with Max, Furiosa, and the remaining Wives and Vuvalini to the Citadel after Immortan Joe is killed.
- The Big Girl: The shortest, but the toughest of the Wives. She's the one that tries her damndest to become an Action Girl.
- Boyish Short Hair: The only one of the Wives to sport short hair.
- Brainy Brunette: She's Toast the knowing after all.
- Deadpan Snarker: Very deadpan.
Toast: Well, we've only got four for big boy here, so he's all but useless. But we can squirt off this little pinkie a raunchy twenty-nine times. (holds up a little one-shot .22 derringer)
- Distressed Damsel: She's the one kidnapped by a pole-rider and deposited into Joe's vehicle, who tries to use her as a shield to prevent Max or Furiosa from shooting him. Toast subverts this by distracting and attacking Joe as Furiosa jumps onto Joe's car to kill him.
- Gun Nut: Toast the Knowing is able to identify and load the wide variety of weapons that Max and Furiosa use. Of the Five Wives, Toast is the only one who openly admits how dangerous their escape attempt is, and has no illusions about how messy it's going to get.
- Important Haircut: According to Zoe Kravitz, she chopped it all off before escaping as a way of making herself less feminine.
- Meaningful Name: "Toast" has a very dry sense of humor, doesn't she? She is also "The Knowing" since she's such a fast learner, and quickly becomes the most proficient in weapon tech and strategies of the Wives.
- May also refer to her darker skin. Given the Neo-Nazi vibe of the Citadel, Immortan Joe or whoever was responsible for naming her probably wouldn't be above that sort of racism.
- Nerves of Steel: Her sole reaction to Max grabbing her and putting a gun in her face is to irritably tell him, "Don't damage the goods."
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Toast is the only one of the Wives with an inconsistent accent, while the other actresses playing the Wives either have fairly convincing accents (Capable) or just use their natural voices (Splendid, Cheedo, and the Dag), Toast bounces back and forth between attempted Australian and Zoe Kravitz' own natural American.
- Spiteful Spit: Spits on Joe's corpse after Furisosa kills him.
The Dag
The Dag
"Somehow I thought you girls were above all that."
One of the slightly odder Wives. She has long, unusual silver-blonde hair.
- Badass Pacifist: She disapproves of the Vuvalini's violence, but helps Cheedo throw someone off the rig after he stabs Furiosa.
- Big Sister Instinct: Is the one who actively looks after Cheedo, the youngest Wife.
- Cloudcuckoolander: She's the group oddball. Appropriate, given her nickname.
- Deadpan Snarker: She's the one with a quick insult to any of the men: Max at first, Joe at every opportunity. When Max comes up with the plan to charge back through Joe's pursuing forces and seize the undefended Citadel, Dag is the one who asks "I thought you weren't crazy anymore?"
- Her Heart Will Go On: Befriends the Keeper of the Seeds and later recovers the old woman's bag of precious seedlings after the Keeper dies during the final chase.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Averted. Being an albino she has the palest blonde hair and lightest blue eyes, but she's also the mouthiest and toughest of the Wives after Toast.
- Large Ham: Though not as hammy as Immortan Joe and his forces, she has her moments.
The Dag: He's a crazy smeg who eats SCHLANGER! note Schlanger is an Australian slang term for "dick."
- Pregnant Badass: Along with Angharad, is one of Joe's Wives known to be pregnant, though she's so far earlier earlier in her pregnancy that it's not clear she is until she tells one of the Vuvalini.
- The Smart Girl: She is highly observant, intuitive, and prone to speaking poetically.
- Sir Swears-a-Lot: She doesn't swear per se (since there's no actual profanity in the movie), but she does have a dirty mouth on her. She tends to yell "Smeg!" and "Schlanger!" at men she doesn't like, such as Max and Joe.
The Dag: (regarding Max) He's a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!" note Smeg is short for "smegma," a buildup of crud between the foreskin and penis. "Schlanger" is Australian slang for penis. She basically called him genital crust that eats dick.
- Someone to Remember Him By: Pregnant with another of Joe's children. As one might imagine, she isn't especially happy with the prospect. She even says her child's "gonna be so ugly".
- Spell My Name with a "The": The Dag.
- Spiteful Spit: After Max first steals the War Rig and the women run after him, The Dag takes a moment to kick the chastity belt she just removed with a bolt-cutter and spits on it, before following.
- Statuesque Stunner: She's 5'11" and a number of characters find her attractive.
- Take Me Instead: In the comics, she offered herself to Immortan Joe to prevent him from raping Cheedo.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With her leather boots, unkempt hair, and sailor mouth, she is the Tomboy to Cheedo's Girly Girl.
Cheedo the Fragile
"I don't want to hear that again!"
Played by: Courtney Eaton
"The stupid green place, we don't even know where to find it!"
A young and fearful Wife who has misgivings about the escape. Her hair is long, dark and plaited.
- Dirty Coward: She nearly gets the Five Wives recaptured by some of Immortan Joe's War Boys, but is stopped when Max and Furiosa kill said Warboys. Though that could be chalked up to Cheedo's Stockholm Syndrome and her having a Heroic BSoD after Angharad was killed. Averted in the climax when Cheedo appears to do the same thing, only to turn around and help Furiosa once she has tricked Rictus into letting her on-board.
- Distress Ball: Downplayed. At one point, she attempts to leave the group to turn back to the Citadel. The other girls persuade her to stay.
- Everyone's Baby Sister: The reason why everyone just restrains her and talks her down instead of making her leave when she wants to return to Immortan Joe. She's the youngest out of all of them, so the rest of the Wives see her as the baby of the group.
- Guile Heroine: She shows signs of becoming a Guile Hero during the attack on the Citadel, using her former reputation for frailty to trick Rictus.
- I Surrender, Suckers: She craftily tricks Rictus into thinking she wants to go back to Joe in order to help Furiosa.
- Meaningful Name: Cheedo "the Fragile" is very fragile. Cheedo could also be derived from the Medieval Slavic name Chedo, which means "child," which would be fitting since she's the youngest and most naive of the Wives.
- Prone to Tears: A lot of the time she looks like she's about to break into sobs, and she tends to hide behind the other Wives, especially the Dag, for support. At one point, terrified by the degree of danger and violence outside their sheltered cage after Angharad is killed, she tries to go back to Joe. During the final chase she willingly hands herself to Rictus, but only so she's in the position to help Furiosa onto Immortan Joe's vehicle and lure Rictus into a fight with Max and the Vuvalini, subverting the trope by the end.
- The Quisling: Due to a fear of death and some lingering Stockholm Syndrome, Cheedo has moments where she has to be physically restrained to prevent her from betraying the rest of the protagonists or simply fleeing to Immortan Joe's safety. Subverted in the ending, when she fakes this so that Rictus pulls her onto Joe's vehicle, allowing Cheedo to help a wounded but unseen Furiosa attack Joe.
- Statuesque Stunner: She's 5'10" and a number of characters find her attractive.
- Stockholm Syndrome: As she tries to flee after Angharad's death, she says "Joe will forgive us!" Within the movie, it's clear that Cheedo has re-framed her abuse and captivity as a sign of Joe's affection. According to the art book, she's the only one of the Wives who's still a virgin. The others seem to be very protective of her, so they might have spared her the more grisly details.
- The comic book prequel also gives some insight into Cheedo's behavior. Being the only one whom Joe hasn't touched yet, the other Wives are very protective of her, especially the Dag it seems, as Joe savagely beats the Dag when she keeps him from sleeping with Cheedo. Cheedo witnesses all of this and blames herself for it. Thinking of Joe's abuse as kindness and the Wives' objection — especially for her sake — as disobedience is definitely feasible.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The gentle, innocent Girly Girl to the Dag's Tomboy.
- Took a Level in Badass: Starts the film meek and ready to go back to the Citadel when things get hairy. Ends the film by throwing the guy who stabs Furiosa off of the Rig, and effortlessly tricking Rictus, which allows her to help Furiosa onto Joe's car and lures Rictus into a fight with Max and the Vuvalini.
- Virginity Makes You Stupid: According to the tie-in comics, Cheedo is the only virgin of Immortan Joe's Wives (The Dag kept him from sleeping with her), and she's the most fragile, naive, and willing to go back.
- Wife Husbandry: Not that Joe wanted to wait, but her situation before escaping is effectively this. She's so young that Max is visibly taken aback by how young she is, and according to tie-in material the other Wives protected her from Joe's sexual advances while they still lived in the Citadel.
In General
Played by: Joy Smithers, Gillian Jones, Melita Jurisic, Antoinette Kellerman, Christina Koch
Also known as the Many Mothers, they lived in the lush Green Place where Furiosa and her mother lived, until its waters became poisoned and turned into a lifeless bog, reducing their numbers to only a handful of old women forced to survive through banditry.
- Anti-Hero: The group in a nutshell. They are immediately suspicious of Max and Nux (it's implied purely because Max and Nux are men), claim a child by rape would be less ugly if it was female, and lay out rather brutal Honey Trap for travelers. While this may border on making them
Unintentionally Unsympathetic, they do eventually take in Max and Nux just the same as the women and are implied to become fair and well-meaning co-rulers of the Citadel after Joe's death.
- Amazon Brigade: Unlike the usual examples of this trope, all but one of the Vuvalini are Cool Old Lady Soldier types.
- Ambiguously Gay: The Vuvalini are an all female society and at least one of them Does Not Like Men. When reciting her lineage, Furiosa mentions both a mother and an "initiating mother" but never mentions a father.
- Cold Sniper: Their hat is being aloof Action Girls who are extremely good with rifles, much like Furiosa.
- Cool Old Lady: Most if not all of them are elderly, and all of them are badass.
- Does Not Like Men: Downplayed. Their evident dislike and suspicion of men is mostly borne out of cruel necessity to survive the Scavenger World they live in, but after Furiosa vouches for Max and Nux, the group trusts the two without further question.
- This is more played straight in the All There in the Manual explanation that, in order to maintain their matriarchal hierarchy, one of their normal practices was to abandon any boy children born to them into the swamps on the outskirts of the Green Place to fend for themselves, only going to fetch them for usage when they needed them for breeding.
- Mauve Shirt: The Vuvalini get lines, personality, and a chance to kick ass in the final battle. Only a few of them survive the battle and make it to the Citadel.
- Meaningful Name: They are an all female clan whose name sounds similar to "vulva".
- Necessary Evil: When the Dag calls the Keeper of the Seeds out on killing and scavenging same as all the men the Vuvalini claim to hate, the Keeper shows her seeds she keeps trying to plant, explaining that after the Green Place soured and nothing grew anymore, the Vuvalini had no choice but adopt the same kill-or-be-killed lifestyle as all the other marauders out in the desert just to survive.
Keeper of the Seeds: Back then [when seeds grew], everyone had their fill. Back then, there was no need to snap anybody.
- Properly Paranoid: Considering the vicious, patriarchal, violent society that's been stealing children from them that's only separated from them by a mountain pass and a massive polluted swamp, it's hard to blame them for animosity.
- The Remnant: They became this after the Green Place turned into a poisoned bog. When Furiosa finally reaches them, she finds nothing more than a small handful of elderly women.
- Sole Survivor: Only two of them apparently survive the final battle — one of them who's shown driving the Gigahorse, and the other one with the goggles who exposits Furiosa's mortal wound to the Wives.
- Textile Work Is Feminine: They decorate their bikes with stitched cloth as opposed to the skulls of the War Boys.
Played by: Megan Gale
One of the members of Furiosa's tribe, and the one left out naked for bait.
- Action Girl: As the youngest member of the Vuvalini, more a girl than anyone else in the group.
- Childhood Friends: With Furiosa. 7,000 days apart and they recognize each other on sight. They both are near reduced to tears upon reuniting.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Goes out dropping War Boys with a lever-action rifle.
- Honey Trap: Her style of being The Bait.
- Irony: A Valkyrie, the female who decides who dies in battle then brings their chosen to Valhalla. And the War Boys are trying to kill her.
- Meaningful Name: She lives up to the name Valkyrie.
- Ms. Fanservice: First appears fully nude in a cage in the middle of the desert serving as bait for a trap. She quickly calls off the trap and drops out of the cage to get dressed and greet her long-lost "sister" Furiosa.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After her partner is killed she whips out a rifle and starts dropping War Boys left and right before the People Eater runs her over.
Keeper of the Seeds
Keeper of the Seeds
Played by: Melissa Jaffer
A member of Furiosa's tribe, who carries a bag of dozens of kinds of seeds with her.
- Awesome Aussie: Played by an Australian actress, and it shows.
- Blood Knight: Despite everything, yes. She gets pretty excited when the War Rig engages the Interceptor, for example:
Keeper: Here we go girls!
- Boom, Headshot!: Her preferred method of using the musket she carries is to nail her enemies "right in the medulla!".
- Dying Moment of Awesome: While she dies in the War Rig, Peaceful in Death, she sure as hell goes out fighting.
- "Hey, You!" Haymaker: Delivers one to a Polecat strangling Furiosa with a empty shotgun used as a blunt weapon.
- Improbable Weapon User: She stabs a War Boy in the eye with a loose bullet.
- Never Mess with Granny: The actress was in her mid- to late 70s at the time of filming. The Keeper nonetheless shows her mettle in the battle against the War Boys.
- Redemption Equals Death: She's on Max and Furiosa's side, but like many of the Vuvalini, the failure of the Green Place forced her to go back to a life of amoral banditry to survive. She's not proud of her past, but she dies helping the heroes retake the Citadel, and its resources, combined with her seeds, will allow Furiosa and the others to create a more peaceful world.
- Take Up My Sword: She gives her seeds to the Dag, which is actually useful since those seeds will be happy to meet the hydroponics farm at the Citadel.
- Wasteland Elder: She is the leader of a tribe in an apocalyptic wasteland.
The Wasteland Cities
The Citadel
Immortan Joe
Colonel Joseph Moore / Immortan Joe
"That's my child! My property!"
"You will ride eternal — shiny and chrome."
The lord of The Citadel and the leader of the fanatical War Boys.
- 0% Approval Rating: Maybe. Once Max returns his body to the Citadel, his followers waste no time ripping it to bloody pieces.
- Adipose Rex: He may not be a king as such, but he certainly rules like one, and his doughy, corpulent physique (which he disguises with armor) serves to emphasize that he lives in pampered luxury compared to his lean War Boys and his borderline skeletal subjects.
- Ambiguously Bi: The comic adaption hints as much. The First History Man explicitly notes that he prefers his Wives made up to resemble his War Boys. He also encourages his wives to refer to him as "daddy"...along with the War Boys. On the other hand, he does seem creepily interested in the prospect of taking Cheedo's virginity.
- Animal Motifs: War horses. His gasmask is decorated with horse teeth, his car is named the Gigahorse, carries a pair of western-style revolvers of the type used by 19th-century cavalrymen, as well as his attempts to breed the perfect heir which bears a very uncomfortable similarity to equine husbandry.
- Arch-Enemy: Serves as this to Imperator Furiosa, whom he kept as a Sex Slave for a time.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The leader of the Warboys, and an exceedingly great warrior who leads from the front.
- Badass Baritone: Possesses a deep, booming voice, and is a badass as well.
- Badass Driver: A necessity in the Wasteland, Joe is one of the best drivers in the film.
- Bad Boss: Immortan Joe is said to be one by Furiosa, who warns Max against letting him catch up to them when they first meet. He's constructed a Brainwashed and Crazy Martyrdom Culture Tyke-Bomb Army, and uses his henchmen as Bulletproof Human Shields.
Furiosa: You're relying on the gratitude of a very bad man. You already damaged one of his Wives [a bullet graze to the leg]. How grateful do you think he's gonna be?
- Benevolent Boss: Not unlike Auntie Entity, he styles himself as such, and probably actually believes he is one, however, at best it comes as a mix of Pragmatic Villainy and Villain with Good Publicity. Him "giving purpose" to the misfits of the wasteland is nothing but enlisting slave workers and soldiers, his wives absolutely hate him for good reasons, and his acts of generosity are largely impractical and waste more resources than do any good. That said, Joe is surprisingly forgiving, but this extends only to people he cannot replace, like the Organic Mechanic, the People Eater or the Bullet Farmer. As shown in a deleted scene, though Joe initially spared Miss Giddy, he had her tortured and left for dead out of spite after Angharad's death.
- Barbarian Longhair: His long and wild hair only serves to emphasize his savagery.
- Big Bad: Oh hell yes. His tyrannical rule and pursuit of his Wives drive the whole conflict.
- Believing Their Own Lies: Hinted at in the movie but made more explicit in the tie-in comics: he genuinely thinks of himself as a tough-but-fair benevolent ruler and loving husband to the wives and he refuses to accept that they actually chose to run away because they hated him, convincing himself that Furiosa must have forced them or lied to them somehow. In his confrontation with Miss Giddy, note how he repeatedly insists that Furiosa must have "taken" them rather than them leaving of their own free will:
Giddy: She didn't take them, they begged her to go!
Joe: ... Where is she taking them?
Giddy: A long way from you! - Bling of War: Sports a shiny Cool Mask as well as a chest-plate full of medals.
- Body Horror: Beneath the muscular armor, he's heavily scarred and covered in raw, red flesh and oozing lesions and boils, suggesting either radiation poisoning or some sort of systemic infection. It's clear right from the start that he's probably not that much further from death's door than most of the War Boys.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: He barters shipments of bullets and fuel with water and breast milk... gallons of it. He farms it from a group of fat women he has enslaved in his lair. Had the shipment not been hollowed out by Furiosa in order to smuggle the Wives, the whole tank would be filled with breast milk.
- Classic Villain: Greed; his defining characteristic is his obsession with ownership of any and all resources in the Wasteland. Tellingly he never refers to his wives/sex slaves as people. They, and the babies they carry, are his "property" or his "treasures."
- Colonel Badass: He's a surviving colonel of the Australian Army who's a veteran of the Oil Wars and a hero of the Water Wars before he became the leader of a raider army after the collapse of the government until he found the Citadel.
- Colonel Kilgore: Given how he used to be a colonel in the Australian Army before the collapse of civilization.
- Conspicuous Consumption: Like his two fellow warlords. Where others are lucky to have one car, he has "The Gigahorse"
— a Cadillac monster truck made of two Coup DeVille frames bolted on top of each other. Where others are lucky to have one scrap-metal gun, he has at least three, all perfectly maintained and meticulously polished pre-war relics.
Collin Gibson, production designer: In a world where there's barely one of anything, to show you had power, he's the man who's got two of everything.
- Dark Lord on Life Support: Immortan Joe is introduced being put into his armor, allowing us to see that his back is covered in angry, raw red flesh and weeping sores that need to be debrided regularly. He also always wears a mask that seems to provide him supplemental oxygen and/or medicine that gives him Vader Breath, and while he's a Badass Driver par excellence his mobility is limited. It's not clear what exactly caused him to get like this but radiation poisoning or some manner of massive infection seem likely, and while not explicitly stated it's implied he's Secretly Dying, making his moniker an Ironic Name. Not to mention he founded the Citadel when Nux was an infant, and was a veteran soldier when civilization collapsed; he is old.
- Death Glare: Several times, the camera focuses on his intense, furious, gaze. Emphasized by the fact that due to his mask, his eyes are the most prominent part of his face.
- Defiant to the End: When Furiosa has a grappling hook hooked into his face mask, he simply snarls at her in pure rage until she drops the chain into his wheels and he's no longer capable of snarling.
- Dirty Old Man: He's old enough to have adult sons and his played by an actor in his late 60's. He has a harem of unwilling wives, who all appear to be in their 20's.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: When two of the People Eater's soldiers see him cradling Angharad's body and ask him if he's alright, he just angrily roars at them to keep moving.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
- Zigzagged. He makes a big show of mourning his dead son, but he states outright that he doesn't consider the baby anything other than his "property". His second in command at the Citadel is his other son Corpus Colossus, who was born deformed and immobile yet holds almost as much authority as him. Although that may stem more from Joe simply recognizing and making practical use of his intelligence rather than actual love.
- Possibly averted with Angharad's death. Although he's shown holding her body as if in mourning, then bringing her with him when she turns out to be still (barely) alive, it's only because her child is still potentially viable, so the Organic Mechanic can try to save it by emergency C-section. When it turns out not to be however, he leaves her to the crows, as shown in a deleted scene. Although considering the next time he's seen he's performing some sort of pseudo-aboriginal prayer ritual, it's still possible that he cares in some way.
- It should be also noted that Joe's first reaction to Angharad falling under his car's wheels is to brake, crashing the car to avoid running over her. While he nearly kills himself in doing so, it was probably risking his life for his unborn son and heir rather than the wife. When Joe later orders the Organic Mechanic to try and save the baby at the possible cost of Angharad's life, this choice sets his priorities pretty clear.
- Evil Counterpart: To Max, after a fashion. A former military officer who distinguished himself as a hero, only to become that which he once hated and using his skills to make a twisted name for himself in the wasteland.
- Evil Cripple: His gas mask isn't for show; he needs it to breathe easily. He has a hard time moving or even maintaining his balance, and he may be Secretly Dying. Given that his torso is covered in angry, raw red flesh and weeping sores (which would indicate either radiation poisoning or massive systemic infection, which are both fairly likely in the Wasteland), the latter is probably true.
- Evil Is Hammy: Very much so. Every time he speaks is just him Chewing the Scenery.
- Evil Old Folks: Exactly how old is uncertain, but he has long white hair, is played by an actor in his late sixties, was a colonel in the Australian Army before the end (which was about 40 years ago) and has grown sons. Exactly how evil, on the other hand, is made very explicit.
- Evil Overlord: His followers literally worship him, and believe he will carry them to Valhalla.
- Evil Plan: Recapture some of his sex slaves that Furiosa rescued.
- Evil Sounds Deep: He has a deep, booming voice that could awaken the dead. Thanks to how the mask muffles his voice, even what would be a bitter snarl from him sounds like a beastial roar.
- Expressive Mask: Downplayed, Joe's mask is static for most of the film but it does show expression and snaps open when he's extremely angry or distraught.
- Expy:
- He resembles Lord Humungus for being the leader of a ruthless gang, being big, and wearing a mask. He also talks in a deep, menacing voice similar to Humungus. He's also similar to the Toecutter, even being played by the same actor. And like Humungus, he and Max never directly interact with each other onscreen.
- He is also an expy of Auntie Entity. Both tried to establish civilizations in the post-apocalyptic wastelands, but became tyrants in the process. Both also have long, wild blond hair.
- Facial Horror: The one time we see beneath his mask, there's not much left.
- Fake Muscles: He wears a transparent acrylic suit with a six-pack molded into it. He is otherwise old and flabby.
- Fallen Hero: Although a hero of the conflicts that led up to the end of civilization back in his time as a colonel in the Australian Army, those days are far behind him.
- The Faceless: Sort of. Whenever he's depicted, his mouth is never visible. Not even in the prequel comics.
- Fat Bastard: Keeping with his penchant for hiding his true appearance and its perceived weakness, he wears a transparent plate over his chest with muscles brushed on to contain and cover up a weighty gut.
- Father to His Men: Although the degree of consideration he genuinely holds for his War Boys is up to debate, he sure appears as this in their eyes. The prequel comics show him making himself as a surrogate father for them in any case.
- Faux Affably Evil: At times, he can seem reasonable and civilized, but it's only an act.
- Frontline General: He's frequently leading the War Boys' charge to reclaim the Wives from Furiosa.
- Giver of Lame Names: It's hard not to qualify as this when you name your sons Rictus Erectus, Corpus Colossus, and according to the comic, Scabrous Scrotus.
- A God Am I: He portrays himself as a messianic figure who will bring order to the Wasteland.
- God-Emperor: Styles himself this: "Return my treasures to me and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla. You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome.
- God Guise: He plays himself off as a divine figure to his War Boys; those in his inner circle help maintain the illusion.
- Gonk: He's a very ugly man due to his age and poor health.
- Hand Cannon: He favors large revolvers as sidearms, continuing the tradition set by Lord Humongous.
- Handicapped Badass: Needs a breathing apparatus to live and also appears to need his skin to be debrided regularly due to some sort of raging infection.
- Has a Type: Most of his Brides seem to be on the taller side.
- Hate Sink: Immortan Joe is a post-apocalyptic cult leader who hoards water at the expense of his people. He brainwashes the men in his thrall to fight and die for him while keeping the women as sex slaves. When several of these women escape his clutches, Joe leads a war party to hunt them down. He eventually manages to catch his prey but has grown so frustrated with the hunt that he decides to kill them all.
- Heir Club for Men: It's clear he only values the Wives as incubators for future sons, and his first question about Angharad's baby is "Was it a male?". While he's been trying to father the ideal heir for long enough to have two grown up sons already, no daughters are seen or mentioned which
raises unsettling questions about what happens to his children if they turn out female...
- Human Resources: He literally harvests blood and breast milk from captured slaves to support his army, and that's not counting the breeding program he's conducting with the Wives.
- Hypocrite: His Establishing Character Moment is him telling his subjects to "not grow addicted to water", a call against wastefulness. However, Joe himself is practically defined by his willingness to waste tons of resources pretty much for the hell of it. His obsession with manhood, fitness, and valor is also countered by the fact that Joe is a Dark Lord on Life Support.
- It's All About Me: His cult has him as god-king of the War Boys, and only he is allowed to breed with the healthy women, women who are forbidden from ever leaving and will suffer for defying him. One of his allies, the Bullet Farmer, hangs a massive lampshade when he complains that they're going on a huge, expensive man-hunt over what is essentially a family squabble.
- Karmic Death: Very karmic. Furiosa takes the chain from his breathing device and throws it into the wheel of his vehicle, ripping his face off. He's killed by the woman he kidnapped, with a chain that is symbolic of his own slave-owning ways and the mask that's been keeping him alive in the first place... and with the wheels of his personal war chariot, to boot.
- Knight of Cerebus: Easily the darkest of the Mad Max villains. While the villains in the first two were just motorcycle gangs and the villain of the third was trying to run a town with order, here, Immortan Joe is a downright sadistic dictator who rules over the Citadel and farms people for their blood and milk, even owning a group of sex slaves and will stop at nothing to get them back when they escape from his clutches.
- Lack of Empathy: When Splendid Angharad and her unborn child die, Joe doesn't feel anything whilst one of his sons seems genuinely upset that his would-be brother died.
- Light Is Not Good: His color scheme heavily favors bright white hues.
- Manipulative Bastard: He is a master of psychological control, at least regarding his Warboys, who revere him as a living god. He also issues them all simple but effective combat drugs in the form of spray paint that they huff, and exploits the adrenaline-pumping nature of heavy metal to psych his soldiers up in battle. Small wonder he has a damn near limitless supply of these guys.
- Non-Action Big Bad: He had his moments of awesomeness in earlier days (according to the comic), but in the film, Badass Driver skills aside, Joe poses little physical threat. When it comes to personal combat, Furiosa kills him in a blink.
- Obliviously Evil: He managed to convince himself the Five liked him (this is more expanded on in supplemental materials, where it's stated he keeps his wives for conversation and companionship as well as for breeding). He at first blames only Furiosa for their running away, thinking she manipulated or kidnapped them, and it's Miss Giddy saying the Five begged her to help them escape that really makes him lose his temper.
- Oh, Crap!: When he realizes that Max, Furiosa, and the Wives are heading back to a now-undefended Citadel.
- Old Soldier: He was a military man prior to the war but now he's elderly and infirm. Of course, that doesn't stop him from being a formidable and cunning opponent.
- Pet the Dog: His only act that loosely qualifies as such is a scene from the prequel comic where he treats a prisoner nicely and in the end promotes him to the ruler of Gastown, giving him as much power as to Major Kalashnikov, Joe's friend and right-hand man. Knowing Joe, this is hardly an act of kindness, most likely, this prisoner (who becomes the villainous People Eater) possessed the skills required for running a refinery.
- Politically Incorrect Villain: He views the runaway women, especially Splendid Angharad, as his property. Or, he views the child in her womb as his property. She's more disposable. Entirely disposable. His favorite, but still less important than the property she's carrying.
- Pragmatic Villain: Joe doesn't only keep an army of raiders. He's also taken hold of a great quantity of water to cultivate crops and keep his army fed. He also puts up with a fair amount of sass from his underlings where other movie villains would kill them, because they're useful and he can't afford to waste them. This can be seen when the Organic Mechanic is making light of his unborn son's death and cheerfully playing with the umbilical cord — you'd expect a megalomaniacal sociopath to execute him for that sort of insubordination... but he's the only doctor around and Joe needs his skills, so he doesn't even get a slap on the wrist. Also, he has no interest in taking Furiosa alive so she can be tortured, he just wants her dead ASAP and orders Nux to just shoot her in the head.
- Rage Helm: His mask is fixed in a snarl of rage, and becomes even angrier when he opens the mouth.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: What he's done to the Wives and may have done to Furiosa during her long years as a slave in his army.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: A subdued example — Joe's eye makeup is black and red. The flags on both the Gigahorse and the War Rig are red and black. The smoke flares used for communication between Joe and his allies are yellow, red and black.
- Religious Bruiser: The sole evidence of his humanity sees him making a death prayer for Splendid with an aboriginal prayer stick.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: Revolvers seem to be Joe's weapon of choice. He uses a .44 magnum throughout the entire film, and pulls out a .357 out to give to Nux at one point.
- Secretly Dying: Immortan Joe sure isn't immortal. He's a formidable warrior, but his age and ill-health have taken their toll. To maintain his Godly status among his followers, he keeps up a façade of robust health with muscular armour.
- Sequel Escalation: Every Mad Max film has featured progressively more powerful antagonists. While Toecutter, Lord Humongous, and Auntie Entity controlled a small gang of bikers, a sizable clan of marauders, and a relatively healthy trade settlement, respectively, Joe is a psychopathic dictator who controls his own private army and is the founder of his own Cult of Personality. Interestingly, he's also portrayed by
the same guy who played Toecutter.
- The Social Darwinist: Joe seems to be obsessed with the superiority of the perfect masculine specimen, despite falling well short of the ideal himself. Women are made to be completely subservient sex slaves or breeders (even Furiosa only achieved respect as an Imperator after failing to live up to Joe's idea of femininity), while handicapped men are indoctrinated from birth to serve as cannon fodder. Joe's own sons seem to be a disappointment to him due to their mental and physical infirmities, and when Angharad gives birth to a stillborn son who is explicitly described as "perfect in every way", Joe is appropriately devastated at the loss.
- The Sociopath: Sees everyone around him as nothing but resources, yet has enough charisma to reign as a God-Emperor. He started a cult where the men are war slaves and the women are sex slaves. He's good enough at manipulation to convince people that necessities like water are addictive, and he views his "brides" as possessions at best.
- Still Wearing the Old Colors: He no longer wears his army uniform, but his armor is decorated with the medals he earned in the military. He doesnt seem to realize the irony of wearing military honors despite effectively being a deserter and a war criminal.
- Stupid Evil: A case where him being stupid actually makes him a more dangerous villain. He's unbelievably violent, refuses to weigh the consequences of his actions, and in love with Conspicuous Consumption, Disproportionate Retribution, and wanton cruelty. This is why he has no problem with tossing his entire army in the name of hunting down a handful of people. (That said, he's just pragmatic enough to keep it from collapsing entirely.)
- Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Immortan Joe may be the king of the Citadel, but both People Eater and Bullet Farmer treat him like a business partner who's gone off the deep end and only reluctantly help him because it's too late for any other options.
- Tear Off Your Face: How Furiosa kills him. It's tremendously satisfying.
- Tom the Dark Lord: The Big Bad of the film and probably the most brutal and scariest villain in the entire franchise is named Joe. His competition, by the way, are people with the names Lord Humongous, and Toecutter.
- Vader Breath: Just like the Trope Namer, his armour also functions as a breathing apparatus.
- Villain Ball: He leaves the Citadel completely unguarded. To the point that even the heroes only need to walk in with his body for them to take it without issue.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: His armor is clear plastic, though it's covered with medallions.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: It's unclear whether or not it's a case of Believing Your Own Lies when it comes to his supposed Godhood, but he does seem to genuinely believe that the Citadel is the best hope for his people. It's also mentioned in his backstory as Col. Joe Moore that as civilization collapsed, he originally sought to restore order by whatever cost only to forge a twisted version of it in his image. Hugh Keays-Byrne considers him a "renaissance man" for this reason.
- Villain in a White Suit: The villain, whose outfits favor white and light hues. It's also a sign of his wealth and power — in a world where basically everyone's clothes are dirty and weathered (and even if they arent, tend to be brown or black), clean white fabrics are insanely rare, worn only by Joe and his wives.
- Wasteland Warlord: Lords over The Citadel and its surrounding lands as a despot, kept in power by the complete control he has over the only known source of water and crops in the wasteland, and by the fanatic loyalty of his War Boys. While Lord Humungus is the trope picture, Joe provides the page quote.
- Your Days Are Numbered: He's quite aware of his mortality, and is desperately trying to sir a healthy male before he dies.
Immortan Joe's retinue
Rictus Erectus
Played by: Nathan Jones
One of Immortan Joe's sons, and his Dragon.
- Ambiguous Disorder: It's heavily implied that his limited intelligence is the result of a genetic disorder. The fact that he uses a nasal cannula suggests that it may be physical too.
- Attack Its Weak Point: Max is having trouble in the fight with him until the last surviving Vuvalini shoots one of Rictus' air canisters, which seems to weaken him. Even more so when Max grabs said air canister and absolutely beats the shit out of him with it.
- Bald of Evil: Like all of the War Boys, he's bald and he's totally dedicated to his father, Joe.
- Big Little Brother: Exaggerated. He's Joe's second child after Corpus Callosum, but is absolutely gigantic while Corpus is a dwarf.
- Blood Knight: He seems to relish causing destruction and hurting others; the most notable example is the delighted laugh when he painfully causes Max's hand to jam between the broken wheel and the rig door.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Being a Manchild, Rictus gets genuinely distraught when he's told that he lost his unborn baby brother.
- The Brute: He's huge and can carry a BFG as a personal weapon. Near the end he also rips one of the War Rig's engines out with his bare hands .
- Captain Obvious: Emphasises the fact that he really isn't all there.
The Organic Mechanic: You lost a baby brother. Perfect in every way.
Rictus Erectus: I had a brother! I had a little baby brother! And he was perfect! Perfect in every way! - Charles Atlas Superpower: The physically strongest character in the film. He angrily fires off a BFG after Angharad's death apparently having no trouble carrying it, and tosses Nux onto the War Rig without any trouble. Although the crowning example of his strength is easily when he rips out the engine block of the War Rig with his bare hands. Something that reduces Nux to staring at him in awe.
- Childhood Brain Damage: There's a large scar on the right side of his head, where there's probably a metal plate. According to his Back Story, he suffered massive head trauma as a child.
- Didn't Think This Through: He fires his harpoon right into the wheel of the rig, clearly not considering how losing the wheel could put the wives in danger, indirectly causing Angharad's death.
- He rips out the engine of the War Rig with his bare hands, and raises it over his head and shouts his own name while still standing on the hood.
- Dumb Muscle: He speaks slowly and shows little sign of independent thought. He's also frickin' massive. He needs to be reminded that Kill It with Fire is a bad idea when the entire point of the chase is to get Joe's wives back in one piece.
- The Dragon: To his father, Joe.
- Dragon Their Feet: He outlives Joe by at least a minute and a half, and is only taken out by Nux's Heroic Sacrifice.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: When Angharad's child is stillborn, he seems genuinely upset, screaming in grief (and triumph) that his stillborn brother was a boy. He also cares for his father.
- Feel No Pain: Doesn't react to the massive flames scorching the entire lower half of his body after he rips out the War Rig's engine with his bare hands.
- Facial Horror: He is using a mask to cover something scarring that happened to his face.
- Idiot Ball: Justified since he's, well, an idiot. He doesn't seem to think Cheedo might be faking her desire to return to Immortan at that point, and is easily distracted by Max throwing a skull at him, even though Max doesn't present any sort of threat at that point.
- Inadequate Inheritor: He's big and strong, but can't lead the Citadel due to his mental defects.
- Karma Houdini: He faced seemingly no consequences or punishment from his father for firing his harpoon into the rig, even though it set off a chain reaction of events that led to Angharad's death. Especially since he'd already been warned about using his flamethrower too eagerly.
- Large Ham: While he says very little, it's delivered with a great deal of ham. Like father, like son.
- Meaningful Name: His mask gives his face a rictus
. Additionally, "Erectus" means "upright", and being played by the 6'11" Nathan Jones, Rictus is very upright.
- Mental Handicap, Moral Deficiency: He's his father's main enforcer and has the intellect of a child.
- More Dakka: Has a very big machine-gun, and also a flamethrower. Too bad he can't use them because Joe wants his Wives unharmed.
- Pokémon Speak: Roars his own name triumphantly as he rips the War Rig's engine.
- Psychopathic Manchild: He has a very childish personality, but that does nothing to dilute his thirst for war.
- Say My Own Name: Screams his own name as he attack.
Rictus: (brandishing the War Rig's torn-off engine block over his head) RICTUS!!!
- Shared Family Quirks: He has a breathing apparatus just like his father, though we don't know if he needs it or it's just for show.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: First he gets severely burned by ripping out the War Rig's engine, not that he much notices. Then Nux flips the rig and crushes him underneath "eleven-hundred horsepower of nitro boosted war machine." Then the rest of Joe's convoy smashes into the wreck of the War Rig, which he is still underneath. Then the rock formation overhead collapses onto the wreckage.
- Too Dumb to Live: Um, Rictus? Ripping out the entire engine block of the War Rig is cool and all, but maybe you should, y'know, leave the vehicle afterwards? As opposed to raising it over your head and screaming your own name while you are still standing on the hood?
- Unfortunate Names: Try saying his second name without giggling.
Corpus Colossus
Played by: Quentin Kenihan
Another of Joe's sons. Too physically stunted to move, but has a high intellect.
- Bullying a Dragon: Corpus orders around Rictus, even manhandling him physically. Rictus is controlled by two things: 1) Corpus was probably given the right to give orders to Rictus by Immortan, and 2) Rictus is dependent on others on what to think.
Corpus: (grabbing Rictus' mask, forcefully) Go see what's eating Dad!
- Depraved Dwarf: By default of supporting his dad's vile tyranny, although he himself isn't seen doing anything especially heinous during the film.
- Evil Chancellor: Becomes this in the comics to one of the Wives who's face is not shown, advising her to shut the water to the people below in order to gain more power over them.
- Evil Cripple: His shrunken body keeps him from being an active threat. Its implied that Corpus shares his actor's Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or brittle bone disease. The surgery scars? They're real ones.
- Evil Genius: Described as an observer and strategist, though a bit of an Informed Ability as he gets left behind to corral the War Pups when the able-bodied chase after Furiosa. To be fair, Immmortan Joe didn't consult him on chasing after Angharad.
- Inadequate Inheritor: He's highly intelligent, but due to his physical shortcomings he couldn't truly lead a warrior society like the Citadel.
- Ironic Name: Corpus Colossus is Latin for "giant body", but he's smaller than a child
- Know When to Fold 'Em: When Furiosa and Max come back with his father's dead body and the War Pups turn a collective Death Glare on him, he does not even consider speaking out against the new regime.
- Meaningful Name: "Corpus Colossus" sounds a lot like corpus callosum, which is the region of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres and enables the two hemispheres to work in unison, which is basically his job at the Citadel. It can double as an Ironic Name since corpus colossus is Latin for "big body", and corpus callosum is Latin for "tough body," neither of which he has.
- Oh, Crap!: In the end, when the hungry masses of the Citadel tear his father's body to bloody pieces and the War Pups all turn to look at him, his face says it all.
Organic Mechanic
The Organic Mechanic
"Crying shame. Another month... could've been a viable human!"
A seemingly un-mutated human who serves as doctor and medic for Immortan Joe and his War Boys.
- Beard of Evil: In contrast to the hairless War Boys, he has a thick beard. And unlike the War Boys, he seems to be evil of his own volition as opposed to having been brainwashed into following the cult of Immortan Joe.
- Mad Doctor: Treats captives as bloodbags, even tattooing their medical information on their backs, and has casual disregard dying Angharad and her stillborn child, even playing with the umbilical cord.
- The Medic: For the War Boys.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: He and Ms. Giddy disappear halfway through the film after the deaths of Angharad and her baby. A deleted scene
had him left behind at the beginning of the final chase while he was taking a dump.
Doof Warrior
Coma the Doof Warrior
A blind mutant who plays the guitar at the head of riding on the "Doof Wagon" in Immortan Joe's raiding parties, while accompanied by drum-playing War Boys.
- Autobots, Rock Out!: His entire role in Joe's army is to augment their war drums into a rockin' soundtrack.
- Awesome, but Impractical: iOTA himself admitted that while the double stringed, flame-spewing guitar looked absolutely badass, it was awkward to hold and sounded terrible when actually playing it.
- Berserk Button: Don't touch the guitar, Max.
- Blind Musician: Not just sightless but eyeless, to boot.
- Determinator: Nothing can prevent him from rocking out. Not even Max fighting War Boys on his stage.
- Of course, he probably has no idea what's going on around him anyway, since not only is he blind, he's also probably not able to hear either, since he's constantly standing right in front of a wall of speakers taller than he is. He's either wearing some heavy duty ear plugs, or more likely, given Immortan Joe's cavalier attitude to occupational safety, has long since gone stone-deaf.
- Eyeless Face: He doesn't have eyes, it's unknown if this is a mutation or something happened to him a long while ago.
- Genuine Human Hide: He wears a weird leather mask... made from his own mother's head skin.
Sources disagree whether he made it himself or received it from Immortan Joe.
- The Grotesque: When his mask is knocked away, his face is revealed as pasty-white, mutated, and eyeless.
- Handicapped Badass: One hundred percent blind, almost certainly suffering from some kind of mutation or radiation poisoning, and still keeps shredding away in the middle of battle even when the battle is taking place on his stage.
- Homemade Flamethrower: His notorious large double-necked guitar has a mechanism that allows it to shoot flames. Max weaponizes that aspect when he ends up on the Doof Wagon.
- Instrument of Murder: His guitar doubles as a flamethrower, although he'd rather be rocking out than actually using it to fight. Although Max is.
- Loud of War: His entire role, in short.
- Left the Background Music On: In several scenes, what appears to be just the movie's soundtrack is quickly revealed to be being played by the Doof Warrior and his backup drummers.
- Meaningful Name: "Doof" means "deaf" in Dutch. It's also Australian/New Zealand onomatopoeic slang for music with pronounced bass (because it sounds like 'doof doof doof doof), often associated with the modified car scene. Appropriately enough, he's mounted on the "Doof Wagon", and doof is the noise it makes.
- Musical Assassin: Not a trained killer, but a skilled enough fighter to never stop rockin' out on his guitar even while fighting Max and a War Boy at the same time.
- No OSHA Compliance: Averted, since he and his guitar are secured into place by bungee cords. It even becomes a brick joke a few times, including when he's using them to lounge like a hammock when the raiding party is taking a breather.
- Outside Ride: As if playing a flamethrower-guitar wasn't cool enough, he does it on top of a speeding truck.
- The Power of Rock: Uses his guitar and mounted sound system to perform rousing metal music to the other Warboys during the chase. This is also how Immortan Joe relays orders to his warband.
- Punch-Clock Villain: Does nothing even remotely malicious throughout the film, he just really loves to play. In fact, the only time he even engages in combat is when Max momentarily grabs his guitar.
- Rule of Cool: He spends the entire movie on a mountain of amps atop a truck rocking out with a double-necked electric guitar come flamethrower. Why? Why not?
- Token Good Teammate: The only member of Joe's party whom we don't see ever committing much evil. He seems content to just play his guitar.
Ms. Giddy
Ms. Giddy
Played by: Jennifer Hagan
An old woman from the Citadel who seems to be a caretaker for the Brides.
The Prime Imperator
The Prime Imperator
Played by: Richard Norton
The highest-ranked of the Imperators and of the Citadel after Joe and his sons.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The highest-ranked War Boy in the Citadel and goes to deal with Furiosa personally when she attacks Joe's car.
- Bald of Evil: Bald and, since he loyally serves Joe, presumably evil.
- Character Death: Killed during the final chase when Nux rams Joe's car with the War Rig, causing the Prime Imperator to fall off and get run over by the wheels of Joe's car.
- The Dragon: Shares this role with Rictus.
- Evil Counterpart: To Furiosa, given they share the same rank.
- Evil Old Folks: With the possible exception of Ace, he seems to be the oldest of the War Boys that we see and he can still put up quite a fight.
- Foil: Again, to Furiosa. He's a bad guy, she's not, he's utterly loyal, she betrayed Joe, he's male, she's female, he dies, she lives.
- Mauve Shirt: He's onboard Joe's car or close by his side throughout pretty much the whole film without having much direct involvement or dialogue.
- Mook Lieutenant: The most important one in the Citadel.
The War Boys
In General
Half-living mutants promised an eternity in Valhalla in exchange for service to Immortan Joe.
- Bald of Evil: Barring Immortan Joe, most of them are bald. It kinda makes many of them look identical, invoking a form of Faceless Goons.
- Blood Knight: Are very thrilled at the idea of fighting to the death, especially at high speed. Immortan Joe's brainwashing has convinced them that it's the only way that a real man dies — a perverse form of Viking honor Joe has cultivated them so they crave death in battle.
- Boom Stick: Their usual weapons are spears tipped with grenades.
- Death Seeker: An unhealthy combination of inbreeding, radiation, and a psychotic leader who glorifies death have turned most of the War Boys into these. Nux becomes totally despondent when he's had three opportunities to "die gloriously" and, for one reason or another, survived them all.
- Do Not Go Gentle: Their suicidal warrior ethos makes more sense when you realize just how many of them are already at death's door from radiation poisoning. When you're going to die anyway, and Immortan Joe's promised you immortality in an afterlife that sounds way better than this one, why not go out with a bang? Joe, unfortunately, does not reciprocate their loyalty.
- Drugs Are Bad: In this case, paint fumes. War Boys who are about to sacrifice their lives spray silver paint on their mouths, presumably because intoxication from the paint fumes lowers their inhibitions.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Due to Immortan Joe's propaganda, they all seek it when they know they are going to die. It makes them very dangerous when merely injured but not killed.
- Elite Mooks: The Imperators to which Furiosa belonged, who are among the older members of Joe's forces and lack the white skin paint.
- Handicapped Badass: Thanks to radiation and birth defects, many, if not all, of the War Boys (especially Nux) are disabled and/or terminally ill. Immortan Joe uses this to his advantage; by playing on their awareness of their own mortality, he encourages them to seek a glorious afterlife by sacrificing themselves in battle rather than suffer an ignoble straw death. Put them behind a wheel and give them grenade-tipped spears, and they're a force to be reckoned with despite high casualty rates.
- Gang of Hats: A prime example; the Warboys are all bald, pale, shirtless berserkers whose ambition is to die gloriously so they can be carried through the gates of Valhalla. Then, there's the Buzzards, who are over the tip with Spikes of Villainy. Even the Vuvalini count, as they're a faction of older women with an aptitude for rifles.
- Large Ham: Most of the War Boys we see are really, really over-the-top.
- Light Is Not Good: Each one of them has very pale, painted white skin, and they spray silver spraypaint around their mouths to get an artificial high when they think it's their time to die.
- Machine Worship: They pray to the V8, among other things, and their symbol is a skull inside of a steering wheel.
- Martyrdom Culture: They live it, to the point that War Boys denied a death in battle become depressed. Each one aspires to die gloriously with his brothers there to witness his valor. If a War Boy fumbles up and/or dies in less than expected fashion while attempting to go out in a blaze of glory, others all scream "mediocre" in response.
- Our Vampires Are Different: The War Boys must feed on blood, after a fashion. Due to heavy radiation exposure, advanced leukemia and/or their bones simply being so saturated with strontium-90 that they no longer have anything resembling marrow anymore, most War Boys lack the ability to produce blood and must be periodically hooked up to (relatively) healthy non-mutants, known as "Blood Bags", for transfusions in order to survive. Like their generally shortened lifespans, this is another apparent liability Immortan Joe has managed to spin to his advantage, as it gives them motivation to capture lots of healthy slaves.
- Pale Females, Dark Males: Inverted; every female character shown is noticeably darker skinned that the War Boys, whose white skin paint, occasional dark paint around the eyes, and somewhat chapped lips make them all look like skeletons.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: The War Boys are a deconstruction; their obsession with glorious death is depicted as a sign of brutal psychological conditioning as well as denial of their own vulnerability and fear, which keeps them insanely, self-destructively violent and suicidally loyal. Nobody benefits from the War Boys' fanaticism except Immortan Joe.
- Putting on the Reich: An unconventional variation. Rather than classic WWII Nazis, the War Boys, with their pale skin, bald heads, punk rocker-looking pants, often with suspenders hanging off, and heavy boots and liberal use of tattoos and other body modifications, not to mention their obsession with a corrupted version of Norse mythology, resemble nothing so much as Neo-Nazi skinhead gang members.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Many of them are very emotionally stunted by Immortan Joe's brainwashing.
- Skull for a Head: Invoked by their white makeup, black eyeshadow and scarified lips. This doesn't help Max's hallucinations when confronted with a mob of them.
- Spear Counterpart: To the Brides. While the nubile women are turned into Immortan Joe's Sex Slaves, men who are physically capable are indoctrinated and turned into his Elite Mooks. Both the Brides and the War Boys are shown to engage in self-harm; the Brides to make themselves less appealing to Immortan Joe, the War Boys as part of religious ritual.
- Testosterone Poisoning: A Deconstruction. Immortan Joe raises them to have an obsession with hyper-masculinity, violence and war. The only people who really benefit from this are Joe, his sons and fellow warlords. The War Boys are just used as brainwashed, expendable cannon fodder.
- Tyke-Bomb: Raised from infancy to know nothing but war, death, and a Warrior Heaven that only Immortan Joe can provide, all eager to fight and die for him without question.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: All of the War Boys, a lot of whom are quite young men, are shirtless.
- "Well Done, Son!" Guy: None of them are literally Joe's sons, but he's the closest thing any of them have to a father figure and it's clear they're all desperate for the tiniest sign of approval from him — Nux in particular is childishly excited at the thought of Joe glancing in his general direction.
- Zerg Rush: Individually, most War Boys are not effective fighters (no thanks to the congenital defects and mutations common in the wasteland; many of them have emaciated figures), but their high mobility, preference for explosive weapons, and suicidal courage make them extremely dangerous as raiders and kamikaze warriors. At least some of the War Boys are the children of Immortan Joe's serfs, which ensures that Joe has an endless supply of young men ready to die in his name.
"Oh what a day, what a lovely day!"
"If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic on the fury road!"
A War Pup that was brought up as a mechanic in The Citadel. Fanatically believing in the cult of the V8 and all things mechanical he desperately wanted to get as close as possible to becoming a machine himself. His religious devotion is represented by engine block scarification on his chest. After coming of age and being lucky enough to live this long he turned into a War Boy and became a driver for Immortan Joe. That said, besides driving and mechanical things, he's not good at much else, especially not "dying historic" which causes him no end of sadness and angst. While he frequently espouses a desire to die historic, though, his main desire in the movie actually appears to be finding a sense of belonging.
- Anti-Villain: He's not even really evil, he's just doing what he's told at the beginning of the movie. Unlike Slit and many others in Immortan Joe's army, he's not even wantonly cruel — again, all he wants is to die historic and find himself in Valhalla among heroes. He switches to a straight hero as the movie continues.
- Badass Driver: Part and parcel with being a War Boy. He shows himself to be extremely capable behind the wheel and one of the best drivers in the series; especially early in the film while he still has his personal car. It's telling that despite the below entry for Butt-Monkey, driving is the one thing he doesn't screw up through any fault of his own. He even does moves in a War Rig that would be difficult for a regular four wheel car.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Says he wants to drive a war rig. He gets to... though not under the circumstances he probably imagined.
- Blood Knight: He is genuinely, deliriously happy at the idea of dying on the Fury Road. Prior to his Mook–Face Turn, at any rate.
- Body Horror: He has tumors on his neck, and his lips have what appear to be suture scars.
- Boisterous Weakling: As obsessed with glorious combat as any other War Boy, but far less capable in an actual fight.
- Butt-Monkey: A lot of the humor during the first half of the movie derives from Nux screwing up one way or another. His ride crashes before he can blow it up, and then his unconscious body gets hauled around by Max like a ball-and-chain. When he initially has Furiosa and the Wives captured, he gets sucker-punched and knocked out by Max, losing them. He manages to stow away on their truck, but then gets thrown off by the Wives. Then he fails spectacularly in front of his idol Immortan Joe, complete with Letting the Air Out of the Band.
- Qualifies as an Iron Butt Monkey as well. Nux may not have much in the way of combat capabilities but he shakes off getting into a massive crash, being dragged around unconscious by Max, and getting the crap kicked out of him by Furiosa relatively easily.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While he may be a bumbling screw-up at first outside of his Badass Driver skills, he grows to become an extremely helpful asset to Furiosa and Max.
- Death Seeker: Partly as a result of his brainwashing by Joe's cult, but mostly because he's already dying, and is desperate to make his life mean something. Over the course of the film he moves from wanting to die in order to go to Valhalla, to accepting life, to willingly sacrificing himself to save the lives of his friends.
- Decoy Protagonist: The film follows Immortan Joe's forces for the first third or so of the movie, with particular focus on Nux, making it seem like it's a Villain Protagonist before switching to the actual leads.
- Despair Event Horizon: Crosses it after failing Immortan Joe a third time, and watching Angharad die. To quote his actor from the movie's artbook:
Nicholas Hoult: Nux is at a point where he's lost everything. He's tried three times to die historically for the Immortan. His own blood bag, Max is driving the rig that Angharad got killed by. It literally could not get any worse for him.
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: One of his reasons for following Immortan Joe is that his only alternative to a Dying Moment of Awesome is to have a meaningless death by cancer, anemia, and "night fevers" (see Ill Boy below). Once he forges a relationship with the main group, he willingly sacrifices himself.
- Determinator:
- He follows the War Rig through a ridiculously massive storm, and even manages to get on it twice.
- In the tie-in comic, he joins the War Pups by hanging onto the car lift. He seems to be young enough that he doesn't understand that if he lets go the fall will kill him, or that because of his precarious position, even if he doesn't fall he'll be crushed between the car lift and the landing. He's saved by one of the men who's awed by his persistence in hanging on by one arm.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: He spends the entire movie trying to have one of these and fails every time. When he finally succeeds, his Heroic Sacrifice nets him the highest kill count in the entire series.
- Epic Fail: Immortan Joe himself charges him with killing Furiosa and taking the War Rig back, even handing over his personal sidearm. Nux clambers onto the rig and takes maybe three steps before his IV chain gets caught in the rig, causing him to trip, drop the gun off the rig, and nearly fall off himself, totally humiliating himself in front of the man who is simultaneously his hero, his boss, his living god, and the closest thing he ever had to a father.
Immortan Joe: MEDIOCRE!
- Face Death with Dignity: After he has realised he does not want to die he makes the instinctual decision to flip the War Rig and save the group. His last words and his calm demenour shows however that he has accepted his fate and is willing to die for the right reasons.
- Genius Bruiser: While the "bruiser" part is debatable, Nux is good enough with machines to save everyone's asses by fixing the War Rig's engine in the middle of a pitched battle with another War Rig (the People Eater's, specifically)
- Heel–Face Turn: Joins the heroes after Angharad's death.
- Heroes Want Redheads: After his Heel–Face Turn, he develops feelings for Capable.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He waits until the Wives are clear, and then flips the War Rig to kill Rictus and block the canyon to stop the rest of Joe's army from pursuing the group.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Wants to have a Dying Moment of Awesome and go to Valhalla. He ultimately does end up having one, in the form of a Heroic Sacrifice.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Seems to be one of his main motivations. When he speaks of Valhalla, his mentions of being among heroes reveal a deep desire to find a place to belong. From desiring a glorious death that will make his fellow War Boys respect him and greet him warmly in the afterlife, to instantly wanting to be Max's BFF when he thinks Max has helped him out, and finally to switching sides in order to help out the one person in the whole movie who was kind to him just for the sake of being kind. The artbook even implies it's the first time anyone's shown him any similar affection since he was a toddler. Little guy just wants a hug.
- Ill Boy: He appears to have some form of lymphoma, with a pair of tumors on his neck, "night fevers," and apparently severe anaemia, requiring blood transfusions from Max in order to remain active.
- Implied Love Interest: Has a lot of moments with Capable that suggest the two of them deeply care about each other. Whether or not it remains platonic is up to audience interpretation.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Poor Nux just wants to die historic, but he keeps on screwing up. He's frail and weedy in comparison to his fellow War Boys, especially Slit, and no matter how hard he tries, he just can't win. As he does so, it's made clear by the Wives that they see him as a victim of Immortan Joe's brainwashing.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: His eyes are round and stark in his face; combined with his hairless skin and frail body, they evoke the childish eagerness and innocence he displays in trying to be a good War Boy.
- The Lady's Favour:
- A piece of the Wives' gauzy white cloth around his left wrist, given by Capable after he switched sides.
- Also inverted — Capable is wearing his goggles.
- Large Ham: You'd be hard pressed to find a line from him delivered at normal speed or volume.
- Laughably Evil: Before his Heel–Face Turn, his Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain antics are largely played for comedy. He's just so enthusiastic about being a kamikaze shock trooper for a fascist cult.
- The Last Dance: Being one step away from death's door, Nux sees the opportunity to hunt Immortan Joe's wives as this.
- Lost Common Knowledge: Doesn't know what a tree is.
- Love Redeems: Capable is the catalyst of his Heel–Face Turn.
Nicholas Hoult: And then he meets Capable. She looks after him and makes him realize that the thing he was trying to die for and believing in weren't necessarily all there is in the world. Nux has never has this sort of affection from anyone. And he falls head over heels in love with her instantly.
- Made of Iron: Nux survives driving into the sandstorm but unlike Max, Nux was still inside his car instead of being tossed off it like Max was. He was also thrown off a war rig and left dangling on the side of it on two separate occasions.
- Meaningful Name: Nux means "nut" in Latin. Nux's fanatical devotion and recklessness demonstrate that he is quite nutty.
- In the aforementioned tie-in comic, he got his name by joining the War Pups. The same man saving him from falling from car lift he held on with all his strength claimed that "Nux" would become a "tough nut to crack" and thus the most fanatically devoted War Boy, helding staunchly on his beliefs up to the very end. which he does.
- Mook–Face Turn: He joins Furiosa's party when Angharad dies.
- Nice Guy: Even when he was working for Joe, despite certain displays of dominance, he was shown to be a pretty pleasant person. Despite holding Max as a captive and chained up blood donor, he doesn't necessarily see what he's doing as bad and almost acts like he's another comrade at points, even offering to cut him in on the reward when they seemingly capture Furiosa.
- Non-Action Guy: Downplayed. He is one by the standards of this world — as a War Boy, he's extremely willing to get in on the action, and he is a Badass Driver — but hand-to-hand, he's an Ill Boy in a World of Badass, and he's just not up to snuff; Max cleans his clock after the fight with Furiosa and the Wives easily overpower him when he attempts to take over the rig, and in their fight he's essentially caught in the middle. Most of the useful or noteworthy things he does are behind the wheel or under the hood.
- "Not So Different" Remark: Capable realizes that Nux and the War Boys are just as much victims of Immortan Joe as they are.
- Obliviously Evil: Poor Nux honestly doesn't know any better, initially believing the Wives to have been abducted by Furiosa, but the standout example is his Mêlée à Trois with her and Max, where he believes that Max (the man whose blood he's been actively leeching for most of the first act, and who he strapped, struggling and cursing, to the hood of his car) was fighting alongside him, even wanting to present the Wives to Joe and claim a reward together with Max.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Just before his Heroic Sacrifice, he's quiet and calm: "... witness me..."
- Psychopathic Manchild: Goes with being a War Boy. Nux is emotionally stunted by Immortan Joe's brainwashing. He's even named his tumors Barry and Larry and drawn smiling faces on them.
- Punch-Clock Villain: He's not going after Furiosa and the Wives out of any malice. The world of the War Boys is all he's ever known and following Immortan Joe's orders is all he's ever done. Furiosa's a traitor and she's stolen Joe's property. Even the way he initially treated Max has less to do with any special dislike or spite and more with Max being nothing but a living resource, and Nux is perfectly happy to cut the "blood bag" in on the reward when Max helps out.
- Puppy-Dog Eyes: His most striking feature.
- Redemption Equals Death: He finally earns his historic death in stopping Rictus and blocking the pass.
- Redemption Promotion: Nux as a War Boy gets the shit kicked out of him by Max and Furiosa, and fails miserably at earning the glorious death he wanted. Nux after he switches sides? Helps get the war rig out of the quagmire, generally keeps the war rig going even when an engine goes out during the climax, saves Max from falling off the rig, and sacrifices himself to save the entire party and block the Citadel convoy.
- Self-Harm: When Capable finds him on the Rig, he's banging his own head — not in frustration, but to deliberately hurt himself in depression.
- Stranger in a Familiar Land: After his Heel–Face Turn, during the chase back at the Citadel. Nux looks at Immortan Joe and his fellow War Boys very strangely, aware that he once idolized them but has now moved past that.
- Title Drop: "If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic on the fury road!"
- Tritagonist: The third most point of focus character behind Max and Furiousa.
- Ugly Cute: He's made as unattractive as possible with his head shaved, but those big blue Puppy-Dog Eyes... invoked
- Use Your Head: He headbutts Slit when the latter tries to drive his vehicle.
- Villain Protagonist: Before his Heel–Face Turn, he's still one of the central characters of the film.
- While Rome Burns: When he sees the massive storm up ahead, he cheerfully comments what a lovely day it is. Goes well with being a Death Seeker Blood Knight.
- Your Days Are Numbered: He has tumors on his neck, squeezing his windpipe. He knows he's dying, he just wants to die well.
A member of the Repair Boys in Immortan Joe's service. He later joins the War Boys.
- Always Second Best: To Nux, who outranks him as the driver of their car and gains the eye of Immortan Joe. Even when Nux defects, he's still a subordinate to another War Boy driving Max's Interceptor and only upon the driver's death can finally take the wheel.
- Ax-Crazy: He's a War Boy, it comes with the territory.
- Arch-Enemy: To Max, repeatedly abusing him while he's strapped to the front of Nux's car and stealing both his jacket and his car. It seems to be mutual, when Slit spots Max hanging off the side of the War Rig in the final chase scene, he immediately points at him and guns the Interceptor right at Max.
- Bald of Evil: This also comes with the territory for War Boys, as part of the dehumanizing effect. He's also a very unpleasant individual.
- Evil Counterpart: As the movie carries on it become quite clear that he's everything Nux could've turned out like had he not gone through a Heel–Face Turn and had Character Development. He even dies in a way similar to what Nux was trying to early on, a futile suicide attack on Furiosa's vehicle.
- Eye Scream: One of his eyes is quite bloodshot.
- Foil: To Nux. Slit is loud, arrogant and has no empathy for anyone but himself. Nux pulls a Heel–Face Turn and goes through much needed Character Development, becoming more personable, humble and empathetic.
- This also applies to their deaths. Nux dies heroically to save the people he loves, quietly pointing to Capable and whispering "Witness me" as he dies with his dignity intact. Slit on the other hand dies with no dignity at all as a footnote in a skirmish, crushed between two vehicles screaming like a feral animal witnessed by no-one. It's not even clear if any of Joe's forces noticed he'd died afterwards, or cared.
- Glasgow Grin: His name comes from the stitched cuts from the sides of his mouth.
- Guy in Back: Works as a "lancer" (throwing the thundersticks) to driver Nux.
- It's All About Me: He tried to kill steal Morsov's target during his Heroic Sacrifice and only seemed interested in his own personal glory. His final scream of "VALHALLA!" before dying make it clear he only thinks he's going there because of his death in battle when his actions in life would likely make him unworthy.
- Jerkass:
- When Morsov makes his Heroic Sacrifice, Slit tries to steal his kill by throwing an explosive spear of his own at the same time. Then, while everyone else is cheering or paying reverence to Morsov, he is the only one to respond with "Mediocre!", which is a considerable insult in the War Boy cult.
- When Immortan Joe glances at Nux, it sends the latter into full Squee! mode. Slit mocks Joe was looking at Nux's blood bag (Max).
- Karmic Death: Early in the film, Slit mocks Morsov's Heroic Sacrifice in fending off the Buzzards as "mediocre" and is equally demeaning towards Nux's desire for glory and recognition in death. During the final chase, he dies rather ignominiously by getting smashed between the War Rig and the People Eater's limo while Nux ends up achieving his in more memorable fashion. It's also worth noting that, in his last moments, Slit screams "VALHALLA!" in a ridiculously over-the-top manner like some sort of wild animal, and his death achieves nothing. Nux, on the other hand, simply points to the woman he's fallen in love with and calmly and clearly says "Witness me," as he saves her and everyone else he's come to care for.
- Kill Steal: He tries to kill the Buzzards before Morsov can (despite it being blatantly obvious what Morsov was about to do) but his spear hits their car juuuuust after Morsov does. He does this even though it was clearly Morsov's chance to die historic and be witnessed, and even has the gall to insult Morsov afterwards. Why? Because he's an asshole who doesn't want anyone to have respect or glory if he can't.
- The Lancer: To Nux before the latter's Heel–Face Turn. Even stated in-film.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Like a lot of Warboys, but this goes double for Slit as he's much less mature than Nux.
- Speech Impediment: Speaks with a slight lisp on account of his Glasgow Grin.
- The Starscream: When Nux is hooked up to a "blood bag" Slit wastes no time "promoting" himself to driver, and it takes Nux headbutting him and staring him down to get Slit to back down. This, despite knowing how much dying in battle means to the dying Nux. He also tries to Kill Steal Morsov's Dying Moment of Awesome.
- Undignified Death: He's driving the Interceptor when it gets sandwiched between the War Rig and the People Eater's tanker, and it gets smashed pathetically without anyone witnessing him. It's not even clear if it was intentional on Furiosa's part.
- Undying Loyalty: To Immortan Joe and his cult.
- Tyke-Bomb: Like the other Warboys, he's a fervent believer who was raised on Immortan Joe's Valhalla bullshit.
- Villainous Valour: Slit might be a psychopath, but he's a courageous, steadfastly loyal psychopath.
- We Used to Be Friends: With Nux. He doesn't take to Nux's Heel–Face Turn very well.
Played by: Jon Iles
Furiosa's second-in-command on the War Rig.
- Due to the Dead: After Morsov's Dying Moment of Awesome, he reverently bows his head and clasps his hands in prayer.
- Grenade Launcher: Picks up one of these to take out a pair of Buzzards' cars. It's a M79 with a pistol grip and vertical forend
- Just Following Orders: He doesn't do anything heinous on-screen, but when Furiosa drives off the road (against Immortan Joe's orders) he unquestioningly follows her lead. When the others ask what's going on, he simply tells them "new orders" and doesn't ask further.
- Mauve Shirt: Gets a little more characterization than most of the War Boys, but in the end he bites it just like the rest of them.
- Mook Lieutenant: Was this to Furiosa before she turned on Joe.
- Old Soldier: easily the oldest of the War Boys to appear on screen, and one of the toughest.
- Undying Loyalty: He should have cottoned to the fact something was seriously wrong with Furiosa's obviously traitorous behavior much, much earlier. It isn't until the Buzzards are gone and Joe's War Pups are still trying to kill her that he realizes she's defecting.
- Your Days Are Numbered: Like Nux he's growing tumors on his neck, though Ace has a lot more.
Played by: Chris Patton
One of the War Boys who form the escort for the War Rig, serving under Furiosa.
- Anti-Villain: He's one of the many War Boys fighting in the service of a warlord, but is genuine in his devotion and honestly defending the War Rig as ordered. When he sacrifices himself against the Buzzards, for him — and the audience — it's a Heroic Sacrifice.
- Dual Wielding: Picks up two grenade-tipped spears for his Dying Moment of Awesome.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: "WITNESS ME!" His fellow War Boys proudly shout "WITNESSED!" afterwards.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His sacrifice serves to prove that while Immortan Joe created the War Boy way of life to make them zealous enough to let themselves be thrown into the grinder, the War Boys themselves care deeply for each other and are willing to lay down their lives to protect their brothers in arms. One of the War Boys who spots him about to die historic even screams out a dismayed "NO!" when he realizes what's about to happen.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Gets two bolts, one through the head and one to the neck. He still lives long enough to buff up with war paint and take out his killers.
- Small Role, Big Impact: His death scene and the atmosphere around it pretty much sums up the toxically masculine war-culture Immortan Joe has cultivated at the Citadel. There's a reason his leaping with the twin spears is highlighted in every trailer. It also establishes War Boy culture as well.
- Taking You with Me: Gets a crossbow bolt through the head, but rather than die quietly he spends his last moments jumping onto his attacker with explosives in hand.
- Villainous Valour: He may be bleeding out from fatal wounds, but Morsov will make damn sure that he does his part as a War Boy. In the end, he dies protecting the rig, all to the cheers of his comrades, who are genuinely happy for him.
Gas Town
People Eater
The People Eater
"We are down thirty-thousand units of guzzoline, nineteen canisters of nitro, twelve assault bikes, seven pursuit vehicles — the deficit mounts, and now sir, you have us stuck in a quagmire!"
The mayor of Gas Town, and the one who reminds Joe about the economic cost of his pursuit.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: In the Japanese release, his official title is Baron People Eater.
- Body Horror: His feet are grotesquely swollen, and he wears an ornate metal nose prosthetic indicating his real nose has rotted off.
- Big Badass Rig: He has one, but unlike the War Rig, his is much more ostentatiously decorated but not nearly as cool, and unlike Furiosa, he doesn't drive himself, but is merely chauffered by a rando mook.
- Bondage Is Bad: Part of his attire is clearly either pierced nipples or nipple clamps, connected by a chain.
- Boom, Headshot!: When Max uses him as a human shield for Joe's revolver, chunks of his head come off and leave quite a mess.
- Bulletproof Human Shield: Well, there's a lot of him to block bullets with, as Max notices.
- Conspicuous Consumption: The cab of his War Rig
◊ is an entire Mercedes Benz W123 limousine with metal filigree over the windows and bumper, the interior seems to be lined with fur, and his gas pedal is decorated with a dollar sign made of coins.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: The closest thing in this setting (seeing as there's no actual money in the wasteland, only trade) as he controls the local oil supply which he provides to Immortan Joe's army as part of his alliance.
- Dirty Old Man: In the comic one can see a naked girl who can't possibly be older than 14 in the fetal Position at his feet during the Area fight in Gas Town.
- Evil Laugh: When he runs over Valkyrie, he can be seen chuckling to himself.
- Eye Scream: When Max uses him as a meat shield, one of Joe's bullets pops his eye like a grape.
- Expy: Most likely unintentional, but the People Eater has a lot in common with Gizmo from Fallout. Both are evil and corrupt post-apocalyptic businessmen in rich clothes, both are too fat to walk, and both are even armed with C96 Mauser pistols! Also, the Dogmeat encounter which was a clear homage to Mad Max: Road Warrior, takes place in the same town where Gizmo dwells.
- Fan Disservice: Good news, everyone! This movie has exposed nipples in it! Bad news: They belong to a fat elderly man who might very well be a cannibal.
- Fat Bastard: He can't even climb into his own car (then again, he seems to be drunk, in contrast to the rest of the war party), along with an abnormally swollen foot.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: In the prequel comics, he was simply just another traveler looking to survive in the world. After Joe spared his life... things got a lot worse.
- Hate Sink: Loathsome as he is, even Joe isn't without his redeeming qualities, he's certainly not short on charisma, and whenever possible, he does his own dirty work. The War Boys and even the Bullet Farmer are honestly just too entertainingly over-the-top to really despise. The People Eater is just a disgustingly fat slob who flaunts his wealth to an absurd degree and is so morbidly obese that he can't even get into the cabin of his own War Rig without assistance from his slaves. He's the only bad guy in the film who neither drives — getting one of his men to chauffeur him around in the War Rig — nor actually fights, unless you count trying to shoot an unaware Max in the head note And subsequently being pathetically knocked out with a single punch after missing Max at point-blank range and swerving to run over a distracted Valkyrie, laughing all the while as "fighting." Even his War Rig is nowhere near as cool as Furiosa's. All that is without getting into the probability that he is quite literally a cannibal. And that he wears nipple clamps.
- Honest Advisor: He's the only antagonist who criticizes Joe to his face. Of course, Immortan needs him just as much as he needs Immortan (ditto the Bullet Farmer), so he's more of a partner than actual advisor.
- I'm a Humanitarian: If we take his name literally.
- Karmic Death: Just after he makes an effort to run over Valkyrie, Max hijacks his vehicle and is similarly indifferent to using him as a bullet sponge for Immortan Joe's revolver.
- Kick the Dog: He runs over Valkyrie with glee during the final chase. Not by accident — he swerves to hit her.
- Laser-Guided Karma: A man called People Eater gets used as a literal ''meat shield''.
- Man of Wealth and Taste: As the one in charge of Gas Town, he looks the part in a business suit with waistcoat. Of course, this is a post-apocalyptic world, so the suit is torn in a few places. And of course his war rig has an entire 1980s Mercedes Benz stretch limousine as its cab... with a gas pedal adorned with a dollar sign made of coins.
- Meaningful Name: Whether or not he's actually a cannibal, he treats people as commodities and discards them when they're no longer useful, consuming them nonetheless — note how when he's complaining about the material cost of the chase, he neglects to mention the body count. When the Bullet Farmer sets off into the quagmire to find the Rigg, he warns him to 'protect the assets' as opposed to 'don't shoot the Wives'.
- No Name Given: Both Joe and the Bullet Farmer have names to their identities, but the People Eater is only one of the evil trio that does not have a name.
- Non-Action Big Bad: To an even greater degree than Joe, while Joe is shown repeatedly firing at the heroes with his revolver, the People Eater fires one weak shot at Max with his C96 (and misses while he's literally sitting next to Max) then goes down from a single not-particularly-strong punch.
- Only Sane Man: He keeps a running tally of resources expended in the pursuit of a handful of runaway concubines and sees that the cost has quickly become astronomical. No-one else seems to care, though Bullet Farmer shares his contempt at learning they got roped in on Joe's personal problems. This is further reinforced in a deleted scene where Immortan Joe is giving a Rousing Speech to the Warboys as Miss Giddy and the corpse of Splendid are left to be eaten by crows. Through the whole scene, the People Eater has a miserable This Is Gonna Suck expression, rolling his eyes in impatient disbelief the entire time, as if wondering how he got roped in to the whole mess.
- Post-Apunkalyptic Armor: Averted, given that he wears a mostly intact business suit. With cutouts for nipple piercings.
- Pragmatic Villainy: A businessman above all, he calls out Immortan Joe over dragging so many people into his family feud with no profit to make up for the lost resources.
- Wasteland Warlord: As ruler of Gastown, though he appears to be subordinate to Immortan Joe.
Part of the Gas Town war party, they're specialized warriors on swinging poles to bring them onboard preyed vehicles or snatch victims from them.
- Cast the Expert: The pole swinging they do in the film? It's hardly the most skilled or dangerous act they've done in their show.invoked
- Elite Mooks: Came the closest of any of the villain's henchmen to actually killing Furiosa and Max.
- Gasmask Mooks: Most of them wear gasmasks.
- "Hey, You!" Haymaker: One of them receives this from the Keeper of the Seeds, while strangling Furiosa, with a empty shotgun used as a blunt weapon.
- Improvised Weapon: One of them uses a Give Way road sign as a shield.
Black Mask
Black Mask
Played by: Darren Mitchell
A member of the People Eater's polecat soldiers and of the deadliest mooks in the whole movie, notably for not being killed in seconds like every other mook.
- Bondage Is Bad: Follows the People Eater's example in creepy fetish gear with a black gimp mask.
- Boss in Mook Clothing: Appears to be just another random disposable enemy, but lasts long enough to spear Max with a crossbow and severely wound Furiosa.
- Creepy Doll: Wears a disturbing doll's head on the back of his mask.
- The Determinator: Survives a knife to the shoulder and being thrown off the rig only to return and stab the traitorous Imperator herself.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: He sure did die historic.
- Eye Scream: Gets taken out by Keeper of the Seeds with a handful of bullets into the eyeball.
- Facial Horror: The mask covers most of his face, but what little skin we see around his eyes appears to be red and horribly swollen even before it gets a fistful of lead shoved into it.
- Implacable Man: Unlike practically every other polecat, War Boy, or Citadel soldier, this guy will not die immediately, or quietly.
- Malevolent Masked Men: Masked and highly malevolent, he fits this trope to a tee.
- No Name Given: No name, no lines, and not credited.
- Small Role, Big Impact: You see this random, disposable bad guy? He spears Max with a crossbow bolt, and would've killed him if not for Max's Helpful Hallucination, and severely wounds Imperator Furiosa herself as his personal Dying Moment of Awesome.
The Bullet Farm
Bullet Farmer
The Bullet Farmer A.K.A. Major Kalashnikov
Played by: Richard Carter
The leader of the Bullet Farm, he's Ax-Crazy even for one of Joe's men. Before the fall of civilization, he also served in the Australian Army under Joe's command.
- A-Team Firing: After Furiosa blinds him, the Bullet Farmer decides to ride forth and shoot off his guns anyway. As a consequence, none of his bullets hit anything. Lampshaded by The Dag.
- Ax-Crazy: He loves the prospect of firing weaponry, even if he doesn't hit anything. He was dangerous even then, but when Furiosa blinds him he loses any sign of sanity and unloads every weapon he has in the general direction of the heroes.
- Badass Bandolier: Up to Eleven — he wears an outfit composed of nothing but bandoliers filled with rounds, including as a mock hairpiece. As with his fellow warlords, this is meant as an ostentatious display of his wealth; bullets are even rarer than water in the wasteland, as they have a distinct shelf life — the ones he "farms" are the only ones in the area.
- Boisterous Weakling: He fires off guns everywhere, screams at the top of his lungs, and has pretentious classical music to accompany him when he's on-screen...and yet he's one of the most harmless antagonists in the film. While some of them come closer than others, none of his bullets ever actually hit his targets after he's blinded, and he dies an ignominious off-screen death (Max walks away from the encounter completely uninjured as far as we can see, so the Bullet Farmer apparently couldn't even pose a threat at close range). His bombast makes him look comically pathetic rather than impressive.
- Chewing the Scenery: Part of his being Ax-Crazy, he goes on an utterly insane rant involving a lot of guns firing, while snippets of classical music play.
- Deadpan Snarker: It's easy to forget this, considering his epic Villainous Breakdown later on, but early in the movie as he watches the sheer confusion and annoyance amongst the massive War Boy hunting party while they climb a road block, he just mutters to himself:
Bullet Farmer: All this for a family squabble.
- Determinator: He doesn't let a little thing like getting Goddamn blinded stop him.
- Eye Scream: He's blinded when Furiosa shoots at him with a sniper rifle. The bloody ruins of his eye sockets are not pleasant to look at.
- False Teeth Tomfoolery: The Bullet Farmer has replaced his upper teeth with firearm rounds. At one point he even takes one out to reload a gun.
- Game-Breaking Injury: Downplayed. After getting blinded, the Bullet Farmer still comes close to hitting his targets just by virtue of knowing what direction to shoot in, but he's nonetheless inaccurate enough for Max to run up to him with just a knife and some flammable oil and kill him anyway, along with the War Boys who come along with him.
- Gun Nut: ... Yes. If the name somehow didn't clue you in, his entire outfit is covered in bandoliers.
- Hufflepuff House: Not so much the Bullet Farmer himself as The Bullet Farm, as it is the only faction which doesn't seem to have any distinctive Mooks, although it's possible that he did have some but they just turned around offscreen after his death.
- I Call It "Vera": He calls one of his submachine guns "Brother Koch" as he tells it to "sing", and exhorts the other as "Brother Heckler", a reference to the weapons being made by famous German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. note Named after its founders Edmund Heckler and Theodor Koch.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: When Furiosa blinds him, he decides to keep going, trying to make up the lack of quality with quantity.
- Irony: He's a gunman — who, by necessity, relies on sight — and is eventually blinded.
- It's Personal: After getting blinded by Furiosa, he abandons all caution with More Dakka, and doesn't care if he wounds or kills any of Joe's wives.
- Killed Offscreen: Max disappears into the fog to deal with the Bullet Farmer, armed with little more than a jerry can and a machete. A short while and a large explosion later, Max reappears covered in blood (which is noted to not be his), carrying the Bullet Farmer's weapons.
- Leeroy Jenkins: He jumps at the chance to blindly rush after Furiosa in the quagmire even when Immortan Joe and the People Eater caution him to wait, which gets him blinded by Furiosa and killed by Max out in the dark. He probably should have waited for back up.
- Meaningful Name: His original name, being a reference to the famed Soviet weapons designer.
- More Dakka: He pulls out successively larger weapons, first a pair of revolvers, then submachine guns, then mounted assault rifles in combination with RPGs. The man loves firing weaponry.
- Nice Hat: A judge's wig made from belts of bullets.
- Pragmatic Villainy: He questions why Joe is dragging him halfway across the Wasteland for what he deems to be a "family squabble"
- Rule of Symbolism: He wears a bandolier over his head, resembling a magistrate's wig.
- Sadist: Joe enticed him to join the hunt by promising there will be tortures.
- Sanity Slippage: When we first meet him he's definitely a sadistic bastard, but is still fairly logical and pragmatic, deeming the entire chase a waste of time and resources over something fairly unimportant in the grand scheme of things. When we last see him he's Dual Wielding machine guns, unloading rockets and screaming like a lunatic while charging blindly (literally!) at the enemy.
- Stealth Pun: While commanding his men, he frequently yells "ACT!" The mode of operation of a firearm is called the action. This is even more explicit in the French version where he just yells "ACTION!"
- Tank Goodness: Drives a 1970s-era Valiant mounted on tank treads — it's the only vehicle able to navigate the swamp with ease.
- Trigger Happy: The definitive example of the film, firing off guns for no reason at all, and just flat-out enjoying the sensation of firing a gun, whether or not he can see what he's shooting.
Mook: Wouldn't want to shoot the Wives, sir.
Bullet Farmer: [using revolvers at the time] Just probing. - Villainous Breakdown: When blinded he starts screaming and firing his guns randomly at the War Rig.
- Wasteland Warlord: As absolute ruler of the Bullet Farm, though like the People Eater, he appears to be subordinate to Immortan Joe.
Other Characters
The First History Man
The First History Man
"Where must we go... we who wander this Wasteland in search of our better selves?"
The figure quoted at the end of the film, and who shows up in the tie-in comics.
- Ascended Extra: While he's but a quote put at the end of the movie, he plays a larger role in the comics.
- Deadpan Snarker: Regarding certain characters like Nux or Immortan Joe, he has a few peculiar asides in telling their stories.
- Future Imperfect: Lampshaded. Given how in an introduction to the comics, he rants briefly about how the wasteland was left with "wordburgers" and fragments of historical records, thanks to books being burned when the end came. Which made his job much harder.
- Fling a Light into the Future: His purpose in a nutshell is to preserve as much of the past as possible and pass it on to the next generation so they could learn from it.
- Framing Device: The comics are framed as stories told by him sometime after the events of the movie.
- Human Notepad: He and his ilk in the comics are shown with various names, quotes, formulas and other bits of historical trivia engraved over their entire bodies.
A Russian-speaking tribe of scavengers and raiders.
- Desert Bandits: They're almost Tusken Raider Expys.
- Disaster Scavengers: And they're willing to take anything they can't scavenge by force.
- The Remnant: Their fluent Russian implies they might be Invading Refugees or former World War III soldiers like Immortan Joe, perhaps even Soviet soldiers.
- Spanner in the Works: The only hostile faction out there which doesn't appear to have any dealings with the others whatsoever. Their attack on Furiosa's convoy gives her a way to peel off a lot of the Warboys.
- Spikes of Doom: They've rigged parts of the road with a Death Trap that flips cars into spiked pits.
- Spikes of Villainy:
- Their vehicles are extremely spiky
- In the comics, their leaders wear spikes on their clothes as improvised armor and weaponry.
- Their vehicles are extremely spiky
Rock Rider Chief
The Rock Rider Chief
Played by: Stephen Dunlevy
The leader of the dirtbiking Rock Rider tribe who hold the canyon pass.
- Animal Motifs: Mountain goats. The Rock Riders hang out on the tops of the canyon rocks, they charge enemies with their motorcycles like charging rams, and the Chief has goat horns on his helmet.
- Crown of Horns: His motorcycle helmet is adorned with a pair of horns that single him out as the leader.
- Hot-Blooded: He gets pretty mad at Furiosa and puts all his effort into pursuing and shooting at her. Notably, once he's dead, his surviving men just collapse the canyon and give up, and are later seen observing the War Rig being chased back through the pass by Joe's war party and make no move to intervene. Granted, this probably has more to do with the fuel they were promised going up in flames.
- Jerkass Has a Point: Furiosa did lie to him about only a few escorts following, and then lied about nobody but herself being present in the War Rig.
- Know When to Fold Them: The gang doesn't attack during Furiosa's return through the pass. Part of the reason may be that their leader is dead, but they also aren't going to interfere with whatever it is Immortan Joe is doing, and perhaps are just enjoying the show.
Mad Max Fury Road Drawing
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