Inserting an External File as a Design Table

You can create a design table as a separate Microsoft Excel file, then use the Design Table PropertyManager to insert the file in your model.

Preparing the Microsoft Excel File

When you use design tables in the SOLIDWORKS software, it is important to format the tables properly.

If you copy and paste the contents of a design table to a new worksheet in Microsoft Excel, follow the instructions below.

To create a design table as a separate Excel file:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and create a worksheet.
  2. Leave cells A1 and A2 blank.
  3. In the first column (cells A3, A4, and so on), type the names of the configurations that you want to create.

    The names can include numerics, but must not include the forward slash (/) or at (@) characters.

  4. In the second row, (cells B2, C2, and so on), type the parameters that you want to control. Parameters can be dimensions, features, or parts.

    Column headers are


    case sensitive.

  5. Type the values for each parameter in the spreadsheet cells.
  6. Save the worksheet.

Inserting the Microsoft Excel File

You select From file in the Design Table PropertyManager to insert a Microsoft Excel file as a design table.

  1. In a part or assembly document, click Design Table (Tools toolbar) or Insert > Tables > Design Table .
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Source, select From file, then click Browse to locate the Excel file.
  3. Optional: Select Link to file, which links the table to the model.

    If you update a linked design table with Microsoft Excel and then open the SOLIDWORKS model, you have these update choices:

    • The model with the design table values
    • The design table with the model values

    You can specify the update options in Tools > Options > System Options > External References . Set Update out-of-date linked design tables to to Prompt, Model, or Excel File.

  4. Specify the Edit Control settings and Options, as required.
  5. Click .

    The worksheet appears in the model document, and the Excel menus and toolbars replace the SOLIDWORKS menus and toolbars.

  6. Optional: Edit the design table. When you finish editing, click anywhere outside the table to close it.

    A message indicates the names of any new configurations generated by the design table, and the SOLIDWORKS menus and toolbars reappear.

    Design Table appears in the ConfigurationManager . Double-click the configuration name, or right-click the configuration name and select Show Configuration.