
How To Create A Livestream Event On Facebook

If you're looking to host an online event that many people can join, then Facebook Live may be the platform for you. Using Facebook Live, you can stream from your computer or mobile device to large audiences for up to 8 hours. Facebook Live events are perfect for personal announcements, product demonstrations, and more!

There are several ways that you can host a Facebook Live event. First, you can plan an online Facebook Event and set Facebook Live as the online location. If you don't want to plan out an event, you can go live at any point while making a post on your computer or phone.

In this article, we will go over both ways to create a Facebook Live event. We will also cover how to join a Facebook live event. Then, we will consider Facebook Live best practices so that you can run the best event possible. By the end, you will know how to create the perfect Facebook Live event for your needs.

How to Create a Facebook Live Event

1. Create an Online Facebook Event

You can plan a Facebook Live event ahead of time by creating an online Facebook event and inviting others to it. To create a Facebook event on your computer, navigate to the Events tab on the left side of your screen.

create facebook event

On mobile, you can navigate to the events tab by first clicking the Menu tab on the top of your screen, then scrolling down to "Events".

facebook events

Once you're in the events tab, you can create a new event by clicking "Create New Event". This button will be on the left side of your screen on your computer, or in the upper left corner on mobile. Clicking on it will take you to the event planning screen.

From here, you must select, "Online" to schedule an online Facebook Live event. Then, you can start filling in the details about the event. Fill in the event name, start date and time, and privacy setting. For privacy, you can select public, private (invite-only), friends-only, or group-only if you want to just host the event for a specific group. You can also select whether event guests can invite others to it or not. When you finish filling out this information, click "next".

On the next page, you will be asked to select the online location for your event. If you are hosting a Facebook Live event, then select Facebook Live! Click next to continue filling out event information such as description, cover photo, and event settings. Once you're done, click the blue "Create Event" button. Now, you can begin inviting people to your event!

At the time of your event, you can begin streaming Facebook Live through either your computer or mobile device. Facebook will notify you before the event starts so that you're ready to go. Be sure to get everything set up so that your webcam and microphone work currently!

2. Start a Live Stream from Your Page

You can also start live streaming through Facebook Live at any time through a post on either your personal page or a group. At any time, you can go live by clicking the "Go Live" button at the bottom of your post composer. You can also begin composting a post, then click the "…" next to "Add to Your Post" to access the Facebook Live button.

After you click the "Go Live" button, Facebook will bring you to a page where you can set up your live stream. You can decide where to post your stream, who can access it, and what webcam and audio input you will be using. You can also choose to share your screen. Finally, you can title your stream and add a description to it.

If you want more options, you can click on the "Dashboard". Here, you can create a poll for your viewers, edit alerts, or check insights. You can also create a poll using the "Polls" tab, or ask questions using the "Questions" tab. Both during and after your stream, you can check the Dashboard to see views, likes, comments, and more.

If you want to make your video as clean as possible, you should check out the Stream Health and Graphics tabs. On Stream Health, you can monitor your stream's video bitrate, framerate, and audio bitrate. You can also check your video resolution and max resolution. The Graphics tab is available for those using streaming software or a paired encoder to further improve their video.

Once you're done with the setup, click "Go Live" to begin your stream. Facebook will countdown from 3, then your event will go live. While live streaming, you can still access all other tabs and adjust and monitor your stream. You can see your stream as others see it to ensure that you're showing the right thing. Viewers can comment on your stream, add reactions, and answer polls and questions. Once you finish your stream, click on the "End Live Video" button.Once your stream is over, you can make a few more changes. You can view how your stream will be posted to your timeline, trim it, or create a clip from your video. If you don't want to post your completed video, you can also delete it. If you want to view video insights and performance metrics, you can still do so from your dashboard.

How to Join a Facebook Live Event

If you want to help people view your event, then you should know how to join a Facebook live event. There are several ways that you can join a Facebook Live event, depending on where the event is hosted.

If the Facebook Live is being run from an event page, then go to the event page to join it. Simply click on the Events tab and click on Your Events as long as you have been invited to the event. Then, click "Join Live" once the event has started.

If Facebook Live is being run through a post on someone's group or personal page, then click on the streaming video on the page to join the Facebook Live event.

Facebook Live Best Practices

Now that you know how to create a Facebook Live event, let's go over a few best practices! How you implement these practices will depend on what type of event you're hosting.

  1. Advertise your event: If you're hoping to reach a larger audience than just your friends, then you need to advertise. Creating an official Facebook event page, as shown above, is a great way to do this. You can also advertise your event on other platforms or use social media ads.
  2. Check your equipment ahead of time: You don't want your live stream to get delayed because of equipment malfunction! No matter what you're using, make sure it works ahead of time. If this is your first Facebook Live event, then consider doing a test run with a few close friends to make sure everything works as intended.
  3. Find the best lighting: Unless you're just sharing your screen, you will want to make sure your webcam is as crisp as possible. Make sure to choose an area with good lighting, or use a lighting device. Your audience will want to see your face bright and clear!
  4. Start by introducing yourself: Unless your event is friends-only, make sure to introduce yourself at the start of the event. Tell your audience who you are and why you're streaming. And be sure to thank them for their time!
  5. Use the Facebook Live dashboard: The dashboard is your friend. Use it to monitor your stream's quality and audience impressions. When you monitor your dashboard regularly, you can catch any problems before they become a big deal. If it's too hard for you to concentrate on streaming and monitoring at the same time, then get somehow else to monitor it for you.

If you're holding your Facebook Live event outdoors, then check out our article on the best tips for recording video outside!

Facebook Live is truly a great platform for live streaming. You can stream to large audiences completely free of charge and plan events in advance to ensure that everybody is onboard. Your streams can even be up to 8 hours in length! Whether you're planning a live stream for a car show, a wedding announcement, or a business presentation, you can use Facebook Live to successfully disseminate your message.

If you're looking to drive traffic from your Facebook event, check out Cosocial, the ultimate video-powered sales solution for dealerships.

How To Create A Livestream Event On Facebook


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